Friday, February 15, 2008

I'll be leaving now...

submitted by frequent contributor Rev. Wes Kenney
If you are becoming nauseous reading this sign, you are not alone.

submitted by frequent contributor Rev. Wes Kenney
Especially all that ancient history, like the Bible and stuff.

sign says "King Jesus is in office forever"
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor BRWombat

Didn't Monty Python teach us anything?!? You don't vote for kings.

submitted by Robert Hansel
So we sort of drag them around with us instead.

"Do it now! Today will be yesterday tomorrow."
submitted by new contributor Adam Bogert
Do what? Sin?

I'll be back with a special weekend post tomorrow, with an historic CCS first: A contributor who was almost arrested for taking a picture. Stay tuned!


If you are becoming to Him, you should be coming to

Keep 'em becoming.


  1. First time commentator, long time reader: the comment on the "grudge" sign is particularly fine.

  2. I think this website needs your comment:

    A pastor is saying "Married? have sex each day for 30 days. Single? Don't have sex for the next 30 days"

  3. Re: King Jesus is in office forever.

    "Focus, Daniel-son, auto focus!"

  4. Every day for the next thirty days? I can't even imagine wanting to do that, even if I did have the time. Gotta check out that website...

    That first sign reminds me of a local upholstery shop we have here, because they used to have a commercial that said the same thing: "If your furniture isn't becoming to you, you should be coming to us."
