Friday, January 19, 2007


Okay, fellow bloggers...if interested, you can click on the thumbnail below to use that neat little thumbnail to link back to Crummy Church Signs from your blog. A lot of you link to me (for which I am very grateful, and more than a little surprised), and I thought some of you might want something more interesting than a text link. Thanks to Diesel for the thumbnail. By the way, Diesel: I'm gonna use that thumbnail, OK?

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

EDIT: Use the HTML code in the sidebar to link to me using the thumbnail. Thanks, Diesel.

Also, some new additions to the sidebar:

Be sure to vote for me on the Blog List thing I signed up for (button on the right). I signed up as a religion blog (rather than humor), simply because I tried to decide which would be the bigger coup: This blog at the top of the humor blogroll or at the top of the religion blogroll, and I picked religion. Help me realize a dream, folks.

Next, I updated the blog list, and will add more as I remember who belongs there. I lost a lot of superfluous stuff also. Email me if you think you belong on the blogroll.

Third, you can now see who visits CCS. Gregory had a cool widget on Kinda Kitschy that lets you see who has visited. But it only works if you sign up with them.

Finally, you can now see random collections from my Library if you are looking for some good reading suggestions. Scroll to the bottom of the sidebar. If they ever make one of those for CD collections, it will take me a good 3 weeks to enter all of mine. Thank goodness my library isn't as large.

Wait...that's not such a good thing, is it?!?

Speaking of Diesel, (which, if you think waaaay back, I mentioned Diesel earlier in this post)...look for a couple of cool things coming up from Crummy Church Signs, Mattress Police, and some of your other favorite humor blogs.....coming soon.


  1. Well, you seem to have mastered the art of linking to my blog. :)

    I guess the pressure's on now, huh?

  2. Hey, Joel, I've been wondering... How do I link to your blog?

  3. I'll have to get back to you on that, Allen.
