Friday, January 26, 2007

Quick Hit Crumminess

submitted by Rev. Chris B., IN
In fact the Gospel at our church is so full, one "L" can't contain all the "holliness" in here.


Crummy Church Signs is proud to be a part of a new project, called is an aggregate feed of the funniest blogs from around the known internet (and as soon as we find the unknown parts of the internet, we will be funnier than blogs found there as well).

Blogs with which I am honored to be included are....
Mattress Police
Kinda Kitschy
The Drive-By Blogger will act as a gateway into our 4 blogs. This works because is available from even the farthest reaches of the interweb, something to which every website obviously aspires. The great news is that it can act as a gateway into YOUR BLOG AS WELL! How?? Go here and read how to be included on You don't even have to be funny or even mildly amusing to profit from our hilarity.


  1. Pastor James Bobo? Why am I not surprised he can't spell.

  2. What I should have said is:

    What the L?

    Holly crap, I can't believe I didn't think of that earlier.

  3. I can't bellieve I didn't use it either, Diesell.

  4. The Bobo thing stuck out first to me. :)

    I love this blog. It's one of my subscriptions, and I frequently share with Hubby.

    I keep meaning to carry my camera with me when I go out because I drive past a church that has two messages on their sign (one on each side).

    Do you ever do a category just for strange church names? We've got some doozies around here. Long, long things.
