Wednesday, January 17, 2007

"God is nowhere. Read again."

submitted by Brian G., VA
I did read it again. It still didn't make any *&^%% sense. I missing something? Is there a hidden pun there? I don't get it.

EDIT: Thanks to Baxter and Niles in the comments section: "nowhere" = "now here". Har.

"The Wise Men Still Seek Him"
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Allen
Wow! They must be really old! Shouldn't someone tell them about the ascension?

Joel's Note: Also, shouldn't someone tell this church that it's mid-January and they need to change their sign?

“We ignore God and blame Him for the chaos”
submitted by new contributor Rev. Randall H., FL
No. We Christians tend to ignore the chaos around us then blame God, or at least use Him as an excuse for our inattentiveness. Which is just as bad.

"The best ability is dependability."
submitted by frequent contributor Kevin Sample. Sign from TN.
Click here for a quick primer in depend-ability.

Keep 'em coming.


  1. god is NOW here
    Two shows on sunday.
    get your tickets now.

  2. ah man, i was too late! tickets are all sold out. oh well, there's always post-rapture.

  3. Community outreach is nowhere too.

  4. I saw that last bit of toilet humor coming a mile away.

  5. god is now here... That must be why that Revival was postponed till next Sat. in Tenn!

  6. thanks for the link...I'll be adding two pics today:

    "God grades on the cross, not the curve"


    "Can't Sleep? Count your blessings, not sheep"

  7. "The best ability is dependability."

    I think the church secretary must have been really ticked off at the constantly tardy pastoral council to put up that one.
