Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Take a look at them now....

submitted by Duane Brown, VA
Speaking of odds, I'll put 4-1 on this church making it onto this website at least one more time.

submitted by Duane Brown, VA
"Guest paster"?? Do they really advertise who is helping with craft time in Sunday School?


submitted AND reviewed by Duane Brown, VA
I'll come back when the outlook's a little brighter, thanks.

Joel's note: I agree with the sign. Maybe such a statement deserves more than 6 words of explanation, though.


submitted AND reviewed by Duane Brown, VA
Wow...if it wasn't for this church sign, I would have forgotten!

submitted by Duane Brown, VA
Nothing like a bunch of teenagers to dispense valuable insight and wisdom....
submitted AND reviewed by Duane Brown, VA
It's January Jesus the reason for hockey season, too?!?
"Overtime may bring home the bacon, but not the bread of life."
submitted by frequent contributor Les DuLunch, GA
Now if only we could find a metaphor involving lettuce and tomatoes...then at least we could make a yummy metaphorical BLT.
Obviously, Duane needs to hit the frequent contributors page. Nicely done, sir.


  1. I love the souper bowl sunday one. I may have to serve soup this weekend now ... my family would get a kick out of that!

  2. Thanks, Joel. Now I have that song in my head.

    The "Summit's Youth" one has a good message: If you only have one pair of quotes, don't waste them on the first line. You might need them later.

  3. I wondered if anyone would get the song reference in the title.

  4. "Summit's Youth" makes me wonder if this is really the 30-45 crowd who were the "Youth" Sunday School class years ago.

  5. How do you like this for an unfunny church sign?

  6. Overtime may bring home the bacon, but not the bread of life.

    Really, that has to be in the Hall of Shame. But I laughed.

  7. Joel: thank you for my daily dose of Phil Collins. I burst out laughing the moment I saw your post title.
