Friday, September 28, 2007

"Dry Clean Only"?

submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Scott Gordon
Which is better than "Cosmic Accident", I suppose.

submitted and asst. reviewed by frequent contributor Scott Gordon
a) The wages of sin is death
b) I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to GEICO!!

I agree that the verse in question is as described in the sign. My question: Why not just put the verse up?

submitted by new contributor Chris H.
However, we're two busy too worry about which "2" we are going two use, though.

submitted by new contributor Chris H.
I would say the same is true for a simple grammar and spelling check.

"Those that forgive the most will be the most forgiven."
submitted by Brett McNew, TN
Crap! Somebody screw me over, quick! I've got some catching up to do!

What a terrible sign...I'm pretty sure that as far as Christians go, it's whoever sins the most will be the most forgiven. Y'know..."grace", and all that jazz.

"Call on the Lord.
He answers.
###-#### (<- church's phone number)"

submitted AND reviewed by Brett McNew, TN
Look, honey, Jesus is part of our Co-Op.

If you're too busy to read, you're too busy.

Keep 'em coming.


  1. Crummy Joel, this blog makes my day! And since you are posting daily, everyday you make my day!

    (If this post were a church sign, I'd expect to see it on your site for it's crumminess.)

  2. Thanks, C-L. That's not a crummy post at all!

  3. I have already forgot what chapter and verse in romans to look up in the time that it took to read the other signs below it. What hope is there for a passing motorist?

  4. Maybe OnStar can look it up for them??

  5. These are too funny! Where do you get all these signs from? Every time I come here, you've got a load of new ones. So, let me get this straight, if I start forgiving like crazy, then I can make up for all my sins?

  6. Theresa, those would be my loyal readers from all over the world...thats where I get them from.

    I used to see them all the time, and I was my own most frequent submitter. Not anymore, though. I think I've whipped most of my local churches into shape :)

  7. Ohhh soo happy to see you put up the two pics I submitted the other day! Will keep my eyes peeled for more!

  8. I think that the forgiveness sign is referring to the "forgive our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us" in the Lord's Prayer, as well as the parable about the debtor whose debt was forgiven by the king, but didn't forgive a small debt owed him, so the king threw his lazy ass in debtor's prison.

  9. "If your [sic] too busy to pray, you're too busy"

    If God would shower me with money or giving me a freakin' day off, maybe I would.

    At least they got the to/too's correct.

  10. Matthew: It's a quote from an Old English poet...not biblical at all. Certainly the Bible encourages us to forgive others like we have been forgiven, but it never bases our forgiveness on the level of how much we forgive.

    Howard: Small blessings...

  11. Joel, I hate to tell you, but you have an award. Sorry.

  12. Thanks for this latest batch of crumminess, Joel. I needed the laughs.

    Once I get done with this stupid conference paper/presentation next week, I'll be back to whipping out my camera phone at the first sign of church marquee crumminess.

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