Monday, September 10, 2007

Happy Birthday Crummy Church Signs!!!

Three years ago today, I imported my first batch of signs in from the Kudzoo Jesus website (where I had originally cataloged all this crap). Today marks the third anniversary of a dedicated website to crummy church signs.

I would have never thought that there would be enough ammunition to keep this idea going for that long. I have you, the contributors, to thank for that. I see a new one every couple of weeks in my area, but almost 10 different countries and 36 different states have provided me with close to 650 different church sign slogans over the last three years. That has been enough to keep me regularly (more than once a week) blogging for the past 2.5 of those 3 years.

Anyhow, a big thanks to everyone, and to mark the T-Shirts are available, and this time they are what many of you had originally hoped they would be....stylized pictures of Church Signs with their slogans, with my snarky commentary beneath them. It was hard choosing which signs to use, but I decided eventually to go with ones that sounded like legitimate church signs (not the really unbelieveably crummy ones), and then I took the ones that had especially amusing commentary (either by my judgment or because you all told me it was amusing back when I posted it).

Anyhow, here are the available shirts.

Please note that any shirt can be customized by
color (light colors work best, but dark shirts have the advantage of making my snarky review disappear)
-style (tshirts, hoodies, ringers, jerseys, long sleeve, etc.)

Click each image to go to the store and see your options for customizing your shirt!!




Shirt 5:





Hope you enjoy them! To see my entire gallery of shirts, including the old "slogan" style, go here.

Thanks again to everyone for giving me enough ammunition to keep this thing going for 3 years (and even longer, if you count the previous website.)

I'll also take this chance to "tease" a HUUUUUGE announcement about CCS coming in the next few weeks. Just in time for the Christmas season Let's just say you might find something crummy in your stocking this year...

Thanks also to Diesel and for tossing a lot of new readers my way.

Keep 'em coming.


  1. Aww, I'm so proud of my big brother. Bringing snarkiness to the online masses for lo, these three years. Happy Birthday, CCS!

  2. The larger question, though, is "Are you proud enough to order a T-shirt?"

    :) Thanks.

  3. Nice. You used my britches one.

    Well, not MY britches one...

    You know what I mean.

  4. Chris, please stop submitting your britches to the website. It'll be much appreciated.

    Kidding...I do know what you mean.

    BTW Chris, I'm sending you a MySpace PM today when I get home from work, which has MySpace blocked.

  5. Happy Birthday to you
    Your signs are lu lu
    You make me laugh daily
    And your theology's mostly true. ;)

    Heh? How'd I do?

  6. Thanks RJ!

    IC: I just laughed out loud in front of my I have to explain to them the difference between Catholicism and reformed theology and why your "mostly true" line absolutely cracked me up.... :)


  7. WOW. color me impressed. also... embarrassed, because i didn't catch this earlier. that said, i did give ya a little "shout out" in the Snark, late, i know, and not nearly as good as you deserve, but hey, it beats a sharp Master's tool in the eye, so that's something.

    Congratulations, Joel!! guess i'd best check out these shirts... may have to get a few before you sell out! : )

  8. Yeah I don't think selling out will be an issue...thanks for the nice shout-out though!

  9. Just stumbled across your site from Congrats on the three years!

  10. Ok, ok, I'll order a shirt.

    Congrats on the site. I didn't realize it was that long (that's what Mrs. The Master said!).

    Your site has mine beat by almost exactly 2 years. It was right around this time one year ago that I started scribbling nonsense on a MySpace blog.

  11. Joel, if it makes you feel better, I've done the same thing (laugh at blog posts in a class) I actually cited your blog in a class to make a real point (The "get an afterlife" sign and the "get a NT...we all have an afterlife, idiot.")--that human beings are by nature spiritual and eternal. They laughed hard. At the joke, not the idea. I think.

    God, I love ecumenism.

  12. Kev: Thanks!

    Diesel: Yes, sorry to be so insistent in my marketing. I know how much you hate that.

    IC: It's often hard to tell what people are laughing at here.

  13. lol @ Diesel's "aside". (you know i thought that was funny -- normally i never use this kind of language)

    hard to tell what people are laughing at?? dude, in a minute (or two) they'll all LAUGHING AT THIS HILARIOUS POETIC EFFORT OF YOURS. unless, of course, no one goes over to the Snark to tell you how funny/clever you are. be a shame if they didn't, 'cuz that post is downright brillaint! ; )

  14. Happy day! And many returns. Of the day. Not the crummy shirts. I mean crummy church signs on shirts. I know the shirts must be nice.

  15. Congratulations on reaching your milestone. Who knew there were so many crummy church signs in the world, eh?

  16. Happy Anniversary Joel! Here's to more crumminess in the coming year!

    ~ G (a/k/a Lampsha)
