Monday, September 17, 2007

This sign has a virus.

submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Micah L.
You might want to "donwload" hooked on phonics first.

submitted by Courtenay, TN
Exodus 20:5: For I, the Lord your God am a wacky God....

"God wants to be your best friend."
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Emily B.
(Circle one:

yes no

and pass it to Him in fifth period.)

"Uninspired by Jesus? Bet you've never met him."
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Emily B.
'Sherman, set the WABAC machine to 20 A.D.!'
'OK, Mr. Peabody!'

"God the vine
We the branches"

submitted by frequent contributor Amanda
They the roots.

Check out the new header at the top of the page. Do you like?? Thanks (once again) to the Church Sign Generator.

Plus, enjoy The Holy Observers new Church Sign of the Week (parody)
---------------------------------------------------------- wants to be your best friend.

Keep 'em coming.


  1. WABAC machine. now that brings memories. what can i say, i was a sucker for all things Rocky/Bullwinkle and/or their friends.

    loving the new banner AND the church sign generator. i dno't know how you find some of this stuff, but i'm dran glad you did! funnyfunnyfunny. ; )

  2. that first sign drives me crazy.
    from a technical standpoint you would want to upload your worries, if you download them then you are getting more.
    but uploading/downloading doesn't get rid of anything it just makes copies. instead you should delete your worries and defrag with God (to reclaim the space that they deleted file was taking) but that doesn't work on a church sign...

  3. Utech...
    Yeah, besides the failure in spelling, the metaphor doesn't work at all.

  4. Shouldn't that read "God divine. We the branches."

    Where linking verbs? Grammar bad. I think the Frankenstein monster composed that sign.

  5. I needed this crumminess. Thanks as always, Joel.

  6. These beat even the crummiest signs in all of Mordor.

  7. Allen: In that case, it would be "We Da Branches"

    Miss Kitty: Glad to oblige.

    Grundir: That makes sense, I hear that Sauron doesn't allow crumminess.

  8. that Grundir...

    uh, oops...heh heh. i meant to pop back over to compliment you on ONE HELLA FUNNY SNRAK PSOT, but then i got distracted by the "scary" avatar above yours, and, er, all bets were off. ; )

  9. CCS is almost the best part of my computer day. Sorry Joel you loose out to the picture of my daughter on the desktop. This is such a good week for CCS!!!

  10. Thanks Ryan. Glad you enjoy it.

    Though if you're that hard up for entertainment, I can pass some links along......


  11. "Donwload your worries"?

    That's nice. Tech illiteracy, crappy spelling, and blasphemy all in one sign. That might be a record of some sort.

  12. The Holy Observer sign is great! LOL

  13. I like the new header. Nice work. So, I am here to point a finger. If I get in a wreck, it's your fault Joel. I now seek out church signs to read them and find the humor. As if driving with my knees because I'm eating, putting on makeup and talking on my cell phone wasn't bad I'm weaving trying to read church signs. :o)

  14. I think the first Church sign should change its name to iNativity.

  15. C-L: You should hire a driver, like I do.

    Grant: Or "Nativity Vista"

  16. I'd rather upload my worries so I could just delete them from my computer. I got enough worries to be downloading more...
