Thursday, September 20, 2007

Blessed is Gumby?

submitted by frequent contributor Duane Brown, VA
That's how we treat our theology, anyways.

submitted by frequent contributor Duane Brown, VA
But He didn't say Simon Peter Says!!

submitted by frequent contributor Duane Brown, VA
Finally I've found a church that doesn't close for the summer!!


submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Duane Brown, VA
They're having the Food 'n Meat Co-Op and the Big Yard Sale but NOT the Jamboree?!? How dare they!!!

Joel's note: I've often said the best church signs are ones that show how the church is working in and around the community. While I appreciate all that this church is apparently doing, advertising what you're NOT doing isn't exactly the way to go. In other words this sign isn't terribly crummy but I liked Duane's review, so there it is.

submitted by frequent contributor Duane Brown, VA
Only if you're completely out of other options, though.

"Tell someone about Jesus and you will both grow."
submitted by frequent contributor Jamie Dunbar, MS
What about the non-Christian that reads this sign?

"Lemmee tell you about this guy I don't believe in....I've heard it'll help us both out."


I still have more signs from this week's MVP Duane Brown. Check back tomorrow!

Tell someone about and you will both grow.

Keep 'em coming.


  1. If loving this crumminess is wrong, I don't wanna be right.

  2. I think there's a praise song in there somewhere....

  3. "Blessed are the flexible..."

    Worship 10AM
    Sunday School 11AM
    Yoga 12 Noon

  4. Is there some Scriptural principle that says we must abandon good grammar?
    "...For they shall not be bent out of shape" perhaps?
    I guess if I were more flexible, such things wouldn't get to me.
