Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Just remember your "Son"glasses

submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Les DuLunch, GA
Yeah, it's called a "shadow".

submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Les DuLunch, GA
I wouldn't give Him this one.

"Seeing through your walls"
submitted by frequent contributor Lincoln J., WA
...and we like what you're wearing!!

"Credibility, like credit, is hard to repair when damaged."
submitted by frequent contributor Jamie
...and yet we still put crap like this on our sign.

And finally, another in an increasingly frequent phenomenon around here, non-church signs from businesses that are obviously trying to capitalize on Christianity. This one submitted AND reviewed from frequent contributor Les DuLunch.

We can move anything.


I'm in the Top Ten again! Go vote for best caption!

Turn to and darkness will fall behind.

Keep 'em coming.


  1. question: Can God create a rock so heavy that even he cannot lift it? And if so, does he call "God's" movers?

  2. Apparently, only people named "Rachel " are allowed to comment today.

    SpookyRach: Also, The Shadow's Nose.

    Rachel: He does, but He makes sure they bring the furniture dolly.

  3. "...and darkness wil fall behind"

    And that ladies & gents is where the sun don't shine

  4. I saw God's electrician doing some work in our neighborhood this morning. It sure was comforting.

  5. Mr. D: And Satan can stick it there.....or something.

    "Rachel": If you ever see God's Cable Guy, then you know something's wrong.

  6. Haha I really like the blog I'll be coming back to visit a lot.

  7. Thanks Axle, you're welcome back anytime.
