Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Uh, God....he loves me.

submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Scott Gordon
What? Are you trying to break God & me up??

submitted by frequent contributor Rev. Wes Kenney
So wait: I'm supposed to be thinking about God when I'm praying?? Oops.....

submitted by new contributor Pat
Is that "1693" at the top of the sign the church's address or the year this sign was built?

"Jesus died for MySpace in heaven."
submitted anonymously and by Sandi Y., TN
Unfortunately, you have no chance of cracking his "Top 12" friends.

"All Christians work for the same employer"

submitted by new contributor Dan
...where getting "fired" takes on a whole new meaning.

"Beware of a Christian with an open mouth and a closed pocketbook"
submitted by new contributor Dan
These days, they probably could have stopped that sign after "mouth".

Frequent contributor Kelly Quinn also sent along this link to a crummy church sign in the news.

Make sure you go vote for the best caption. I've made the Top Ten yet again!

Tomorrow at CCS, we have a very special guest reviewer. You won't want to miss this one, as his reviews might have a certain familiar "ring" to them. I've got plenty more crumminess lined up for Friday as well.

Have you stopped long enough to tell I love you?

Keep 'em coming.


  1. MySpace top 12 friends list...HA! I would have sprayed my water if I was drinking. Thankfully, I have learned to not drink while reading this post. :o)

  2. C-L: Though I hear that there might be one of those 12 that's getting dropped soon....

  3. Shouldn't they have a witch tied to a stake in front of the 1693 sign? Just asking.

  4. The "Think about God" one would have been even better (and more confusing) if there had been an "I" in front.

    I am often tempted (get thee behind me Satan - but no touching while you're back there!) to "edit" some of the signs I see.
