Thursday, September 6, 2007

And the BBQ Sauce shall be upon His shoulders...

submitted by new contributors Tim Canny and his sister
For the life of me, I just cannot keep all of these sacraments straight.

"Life Works Better When We Do"

submitted by frequent contributor Sandi Y.
So get a job, you lazy &%$#*.


"God wants heaven full, more info inside."
submitted by frequent contributor Jamie Dunbar, MS
Just watch out for the Kool-Aid while you're in there....

"B I B L E: Basic Instructions B4 Leaving Earth"
"Looking 4A lifeguard? Ours walks on water."
both signs submitted by frequent contributor Amanda
I've reviewed both of these before. I just like how the church felt it necessary to use chat text on both of these signs. omg, lol.
----------------------------------------------------------------- is waiting for you to call it barbeque.

Keep 'em coming.


  1. ...please, God really needs a date for the dance. Won't you call Him today?

    ...yeah, we know we ain't no &%@! Calvinite types over heer neither...somebody pass me tha smoked leg-o-lamb!

  2. omg, nw idk wut 7h3y w3r3 7h1nk1ng!1!!1


  3. Scott: IF God had the guts, he'd just ask me Himself....

    Gregory: ROTFLOL.

  4. So I'm supposed to call God "Barbeque"? ...okay...

  5. I don't think I can call God "Barbeque". Is it because he has mad grillin' skills?

  6. Charlotta-love: Only if you're comfortable with that.

    kq: I would have sworn that was the devil, but who knows....

  7. LOL! I've seen your comments on Diesel's blog and have actually voted for some of your captions, but this is the first time I've popped by your blog. I must say that these signs are hilarious!!!

    I was actually laughing out loud reading "God is waiting for you to call him barbeque". Too funny!

  8. Thanks, C! Welcome back any time.

  9. Our Barbecue which art in heaven hallowed be thy flame. mmmm...sacrilicious.

    God wants heaven full...and this time it's personal
