Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Our Home And Native Snark

Take heed, citizens. I am over at the Snark today, analyzing the looming threat to American dominance and security. You'd better read it, if only for your own safety.

See you tomorrow with more crumminess.

Keep 'em coming.

1 comment:

  1. YOURS was a most inspired and completely HILARIOUS Snark post today, my friend. tellin' ya... Diesel's got some serious "humor writing" competition in you!

    loveloveloved the birthday greeting, too. thank you SOOOOOO MUCH! just for that, i believe i'll vote for your caption. that said, apparently ALL your captions had young Grundir (aka Diesel) in stitches, unlike all of mine which wound up in the trash. not that i'm bitter, mind you, but am i that NOT funny? oy. (clearly i need some new material. you, on the other hand, most certainly do not!)
