Friday, June 6, 2008

Third Commentary Contest WINNER

Congrats to Kadi, this week's winner! Email me your address, and I'll get a book out to you! Also, you can put this up on your blog:

Second place went to newcomer Keva:
"Hey, as long as you're on your knees you might as well do double duty."

(That one was somewhat controversial, as it was likely the edgiest review yet in the history of CCS. Sorry to those of you who thought it crossed the line. I guess that's the danger with these contests. But once a review that funny is submitted, it's not like I can't include it in the top 10. Thanks, Keva!!)

Third place went to Eric P.:
"Overheard in the Sign Committee meeting: 'Sure, that's a great slogan. It's inspirational, and Joel and his friends couldn't possibly find any double entendres in a simple garden implement.' "

I'll update the standings on the sidebar.

I'm taking a break from the contests for a week or two. For one thing, Kadi just won the last copy of the book that I have on hand. Of course, if some of you wanted to buy a copy, I would have to order more, which means I could add a few to my order so I could start running the contests again! :) Remember that all proceeds from the sales of the book have gone to Compassion. $250 raised so far by the lovely readers of CCS! And thanks to those of you who have been purchasing CCS merchandise as well. I thought nobody was interested until Zazzle recently sent me a check. Funds received from the purchase of merchandise are also donated, this time to the "Joel Just Got A PS3 And Wants Some Games" Fund.

Also, if I were allowed to host Google ads on this page (still fuming about that one...) I would donate all of that money to Compassion as well. Since I can't: If anybody has a company and wants to advertise on this site, we can work something out that simply allows you to donate the money directly to Compassion and write it off as tax deductible. Just shoot me an email...

Stay tuned next week for more crumminess, and also my guest appearance at Mattress Police!

This post cross-posted on:

Alltop Humor





  1. Thank you, sir! I know all about trying to avoid fertilization (and failing miserably at it,) so this was a no brainer for me.
    I have been inspired by your idea. I am going to follow your example and donate proceeds from my own shop, to Compassion. It is an organization that I love to help! We only sponsor one child, but I'd love to sponsor more.
    Your commentary may be edgy...but you have a good heart :)

  2. Nice work, Kadi. That earns a rousing chorus of "shitballs!" from the rest of us.

  3. edgy was required by a sign that awful. that's what it takes to turn the trend around! way to go, all commentators. keep telling it like it is.

  4. Controversial? Little old me from Tennessee? No way! :-) It was, honestly, the first thing that came to mind...not sure what that says about me. I've been in Cali all week, so this is my first chance to see the beans. Congrats Kadi!

  5. Dang, this is hilarious. Been Christian for a long time and I started just ignoring church signs. Maybe I make a concerted effort not to drive by any churches despite being a Christian. When did church signs become all the rage? My fave sign is Membership Has It's Privileges
