Tuesday, June 10, 2008

But is it crummy-proof?

"Lifetime Warranty. Vandal Resistant. Graffiti Resistant. Our 40th Year."
submitted/post title by frequent contributor Rev. Wes Kenney
Rev. Kenney saw this one in the convention hall at the SBC Annual Meeting.

I think next year I should get a booth and sell my book. How do you think that would go over?


"Conscience is the root of all truth."
submitted by frequent contributor Ryan DeVries
Sorry Jesus, but 2 out of 3 ain't bad.


"Holy Family Festival (sponsored by Bud Light Lime)"
submitted by Brandy H.
The Eucharist: Tastes great, less filling.


"The best mirror is an old friend"
submitted by frequent contributor Tracy R.
Though be warned: If it's a really old friend, there might be cracks in the mirror.


In response to yesterday's pathetic use of church signs in the homemade music video, frequent contributor Tracy R. sent in this video done by her church. It's really well done. If you're not a huge Coldplay fan (like I'm not), stick with it to the end. It's worth it. And "enjoy" the incredible crumminess displayed along the way, though you should note that some of the signs used were created on the Church Sign Generator. But not all of them, by any stretch. Yikes.

Great job, Tracy!


Long time readers will know I've used that "Tastes Great, Less Filling" crack before. Little did I know at the time that a better opportunity would present itself.


This post cross-posted on:


Alltop Humor





  1. Wow, that was an awesome video Tracy! If more churchs would wake up and realize that it is not about them, we would be in a whole better light! However, I dont think that will happen anytime soon!

    Its funny how we think of God a certain way, and are so sure that everyone else views God in the same way! Then you get slapped by reality and realize God is not viewed the same because of what lousy job christians are doing to portray Him! When I saw that sign on the church in the video that said, Its to late your going to hell!, all I could think was no wonder nobody wants a true RELATIONSHIP with God!! I wouldnt even step one foot in that church if I saw that sign!!!

    Well anyways Joel thank you for this website, and thank you for waking this christian UP!!! May God bless you!!

    Becoming a better me with my heart in His hands,


  2. The only way signs would be crummy-proof is if they had no way to change the lettering. Lock 'em up and throw away the key!

  3. See, my church sign just sticks with service times and the website. Not COMPLETELY crummy-proof, but pretty darn close.

    Anyway, AWESOME video. <3

  4. This makes me really glad that my church doesn't have a changeable sign. :) Aside from the name of the church, all it says is "visitors welcome."

  5. you don't like coldplay? or do you? i'm confuzzled but the video is super.

  6. Not so much, but I agree that the video is super.

  7. "Conscience is the root of all truth": Especially with things like gravity and the speed of light.
    My conscience says this sign is a lie.

    I assume SBC is about Southern Baptists, not Southwestern Bell.
