Friday, June 27, 2008

Do we really need a lesson?

"How to be miserable"
submitted by new contributor wren
"And now for Point 47 in this sermon, as we enter our third hour...."


"Persistent Alibi"
submitted by new contributor wren
"I swear, officer: I was listening to this 4-hour sermon about being miserable..."


"Jesus is our bright and morning star."
submitted by Sharyn B.
Not so much a comment about this sign in particular: In researching whether this sign was biblically correct or not (since I know Satan is called "morning star" at some point), I discovered that some people have a lot of time on their hands and are worried about very silly things.


"God is like Delta: He's ready when you are."
submitted by frequent contributor Christine
Also, God went bankrupt in 2005.

Yep, it's too bad: Looks like the cattle on a thousand hills are in arrears.


You all are doing a great job with the PhotoCranks. Keep it up!


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  1. The link you put under the "morning star" sign is indeed silly. The KJV-only crowd often goes to silly lengths in their virtual worship of a translation. The section of Isaiah 14 they get all bent out of shape on in reality is a prophecy about the downfall of Babylon, not Lucifer/Satan.

    The NIV has provided a very literal translation of the Hebrew in this verse.

    Here endeth the lesson.

  2. I am liking the crank, and I am not coming on to you....;)

  3. Amen about Isaiah 14 definitively not being about Satan. (I will go farther and say there is absolutely not scriptural warrant for equating Satan with "Lucifer." That is simply an extra-biblical tradition based on a colossal mishandling of Isaiah 14.)

    But on to this Delta thing. This is just like the "Wal-Mart is not the only saving place sign." How stupid is it to use ad slogans that haven't been heard since the early 70's? (The "saving place" BTW was K-Mart anyway, not Wal-Mart, which only makes the sign even crummier, if that's possible.) I would imagine 75% of the people reading that sign have no idea that Delta ever used the slogan "Delta is ready when you are." They may as well dredge up an old ad slogan from Southern Air Lines or Branniff.

  4. Or how 'bout, "God is like TWA: Up, up, and away!" How many remember that slogan (or that airline, for that matter)?

  5. Short Attention Span GirlJune 30, 2008 at 3:41 PM

    One note-- I can't get the pictures to load now that you have photocrank. I'm sure I could resolve this by going to a different browser or fiddling with a ton of settings, but that's a lot of trouble to go to. Commenting in here is just as easy as commenting on individual photos would be, anyway.
