Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Church Who Wouldn't Grow Up:

"Think lovely thoughts. They'll lift you up into the air. -Peter Pan"
submitted by new contributor Jonathan P.
Like Jesus says:
"All it takes is faith and trust
But the thing that's a positive must
Is a little bit of pixie dust."

I'm pretty sure that's a Beatitude, in fact.


"Seek ye first the kingdom of 'God' "
submitted by frequent contributor Ann S.
Or whatever we're calling Him these days.


"Jesus Christ: The name on everyone's lips."
submitted by frequent contributor Chandler C.
I mean, did you see what He was wearing on the red carpet last weekend?


submitted by David A.
I have no problem with the message, just thought some of you might get a kick out of the church name.

(For those not from the Deep South, there's a town in Mississippi named "Chunky". There's a river close by that is named, of course, the Chunky River.)


"How not to be a Christian"
submitted by frequent contributor Barbara B.
Yeah, we've got that part down pat. Let's move on to something more constructive.


I have a LOT of signs to get through...Duane from VA. just sent me an email, and frequent readers will know what that means: About 2 weeks worth of posts in one email!

Unfortunately, I take my Comp Exams for my Master's Degree next Tuesday (ALMOST DONE!), so I might be sort of hit-or-miss on the posting. There's a lot of Exam Prep to be done in the next week, and unfortunately for me Metal Gear Solid 4 on the PS3 is proving to be a wonderful distraction.

On top of that, I then leave for Canada on the Thursday following where I won't have posting access at all. I might wrangle together a guest post or two for next week, but in the meantime stay tuned. It might be sporadic or at weird times, but I will crank a couple of posts out this week. There's some really great crumminess to get to.


Also: Happy Canada Day, everyone!!


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Alltop Humor





  1. Joel, is MGS4 everything I've dreamed it would be? MGS2 is my favorite game of all time, but I went with the X360 (which has been a good decision on all points but this one) in this console generation. I'm desperately hoping for a 360 port.

  2. MGS2 is my second favorite game (after MGS1)...3 wasn't as good, but solid.

    Four is the best game ever. It's really, really good. I've played Halo 3 and to me there's no comparison. The online play is really great also.

    Just be ready for the unending cut scenes, but if you've played 2 you know that already.

  3. And a happy Canada Day to you, Joel. As my favorite Canuck, you'll no doubt be pleased, as I was, to find that the new version of the Baptist Hymnal, to be released in August, includes an arrangement of O Canada. I had no idea there was a second verse.


    Poor Canada. They had the chance to have French cuisine, British culture, and American technology. Instead, they ended up with British cuisine, American culture, and French technology...


    Have a good one, Joel.


  4. Thanks Wes. Most Canadians don't know there's a second verse, either. They CAN, however, sing the first verse in two languages :)

  5. I wonder if sewage flows directly into the Chunky river. I, for one, would not want to swim in it.

  6. Heck. Most Amercians don't know there's actually four verses to "The Star Spangled Banner."

  7. So has Peter Pan been officially sainted?

  8. In response to the aforementioned love for MGS4, Rickey's also a 360 owner and is seriously debating plunking down the $500 for a PS3 just to play that game. Snaaaaaaake!

  9. Joel... in case you didn't know it, if you log in at http://draft.blogger.com/ you can actually schedule posts to come out in the future and they will not be visible until the time you specify. You could load up a week or two worth of posts and live life happy! (It'll be a regular feature eventually, but for now it's a beta test thing. I've used it quite a bit, though, and it seems to work perfectly.)

  10. hey joel! my brother is obsessed with MGS4 as well, and he asked me to ask you for your PSN ID so you guys can play together.

    so much for your comps..... lol

  11. The Ironic CatholicJuly 3, 2008 at 6:38 PM

    Good luck on the comps...
    remember, 2+2=5...
    and Happy Canada Day, late.

    (Some help I am!)

