Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Gospel According to Gomer Pyle:

"If you ain't fighting the devil he's done got u."
seen here on Flickr /post title by f.c. Ironic Catholic
And ironically, this church probably still preaches from the King James Version.

(Note the little devil that the photographer added to the sign....)


"Why am I here?"
submitted AND reviewed by new contributor Christopher E.
Today's sermon by Admiral Stockdale.

Thanks to Christopher for one of the most obscure (yet hilarious) reviews in CCS history.


"Weed and feed."
submitted by frequent contributor Sandi Y.
I thought most Christians were partial to "Surf and turf".


"Whole wheat or bearded darnel?"
submitted by frequent contributor Hilary S.
This sign doesn't make a grain of sense.


Frequent contributor Kelly Q. sent me a link to this article on Relevant Magazine, a former outlet for some of my less-snarky writing. It's pretty relevant (ha!) to the material in this blog, so check it out when you get a chance.


Click these, please:

Alltop Humor





  1. Oh man, the little devil really does enhance that sign. Nice work. :)

  2. The bearded darnel gets some explanation here:

    But it is certainly an obscure reference.

  3. Yeah, I had no idea they were referring to that parable. Thanks, David!

  4. You gotta love the irony at Relevant Magazine!

    On the same page as the article denouncing the modern Christian tendency to co-opt American culture, there is a banner ad for for a t-shirt company which has a cute young girl in a snug tee standing in profile just enough to catch the curve of her breast.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not opposed to breasts, in fact I'm quite fond of them. Hell, I'm a painter and I've painted quite a few in my day.

    The irony is just killing me.

  5. Saint: That is pretty ironic. Better yet, the T-shirt probably has a lame Christian saying on it somewhere (or if not that one, another one sold by the company being advertised does).

  6. My first time commenting. I was confused with the wheat and bearded darnel as I had never heard of the plant but wikipedia's first citation for it was in regard to the parable of the wheat and tares. It's still a useless sign as even if you knew what it was about ( e.g. living in an agricultural area and knowing your Bible well) I though the gist of the parable was to warn against vicious heresy hunts and to wait for God's judgment.
    Now I've finally bought a digital camera I hope to indulge you in the future with some CCSs from sunny Brisbane Australia - we've got some shockers.

  7. I bet they really do talk that way at Mt Pleasant.

    You wouldn't want people to exit the journey and say "why was I there?"

  8. If you are trying to dissuade folks from visiting your church, might I suggest using the term: Bearded Darnel.

    I have got to get my camera out and send you some pictures ... great job!
