Thursday, July 3, 2008

He agrees: Your wife is always right.

"Need a marriage counselor? I'm available... -God"
submitted by T.M.
Seriously...if He can put up with His bride for as long as He has, He must have some good advice.


"One thing you cannot recycle is wasted time."
submitted by Elizabeth D. (Happy b-day!!)
So who's going to give me back the five seconds I wasted reading this?


"If he brought you to it He will take you through it."
submitted by frequent contributor Rev. Arnold Hendrix
Though I sometimes wish we could just go around it instead.


"God constructed us to live for more than ourself"
submitted by frequent contributor Laura R.
Shoot...I like living for myselves.


PhotoCrank has a new feature you should check out...when you go to Crank a photo, type in "church" into the search box. There are a few custom images I requested to make your cranking of church signs all the more easier. Hope you enjoy them. Let me know what you think in the comments section. Also, if you can think of other images/characters that would be good for cranking church signs, let me know. I used one of the custom images on the first sign, and Ryan from PhotoCrank used a couple on yesterday's post.


Click these, please:

Alltop Humor





  1. In other words

    Times Wastes for No Man

  2. Just had to pop in and say that your comment on the marriage counselor sign is great.

    Keep it up.

    That's all.

  3. "So go ahead and waste all the time you want, guilt free!"

    I really like the crank thingies :)

  4. So, are they implying that God can recycle wasted time? Will it cost twice as much to purchase the finished product?

    "If he brought you to it...": So, everything you pass through, God brought you to? And if God brought you not to, are you forbidden to pass through?
    If he brought you to it, he will bring your through it, assuming that's what he has in mind.

  5. "I'm available": Great! God knows my marriage is failing and now he's hitting on me!

  6. Man, Allen, I missed the boat on that one. Fantastic snark! You should Crank it...

  7. Thanks for the props on my birthday....and keep up the crumminess!
