Tuesday, July 15, 2008

That's quite a purpose in life:

"Father keep me focused on your purpose for my life. Buses for sale."
submitted/post title by frequent contributor S. K. Sutton
And all this time I've been renting them out. What a fool I've been!


"How deep is your dirt?"
submitted by frequent contributor R. McCoy
How shallow is your sign?


"Salvation is infinitely costly but absolutely free."
submitted by frequent contributor Laura R.
Maybe to avoid confusion they should specify: costly for whom, and free for whom?


"And we have sent you o Muhammad but as a mercy to the worlds"
In the context of Islam, I don't know if this is a crummy sign or not. I just include it to show that here in Nashville the phenomenon if "church signs" is expanding to all different religions. The other side had a very confusing message (to me, at least). I'll try and get a picture of it soon, mostly because I'm hoping someone on here can explain what they mean by it.


I'm a little late to the party, but fellow writer-of-a funny blog Kadi has started a fund to help raise money for some kids she knew who lost their father. Check out the story here, and use the link in the top right of her sidebar to donate.


Remember that if you click the h-b logo below to indicate that you think I have a funny blog, it might say that it can't find the post you came from. Well, if you look just below that section a list of posts should appear, and the most recent one should be included. Don't give up without rating a post!

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  1. seems like the islamic "quote" may have the same problem as some of the strange grammar of the KJV- sounds odd to modern ears.

  2. Hey...where's the crank?? I can't see it anymore. What gives?

  3. Yeah it must be something going on on their end...I didn't change any settings here.

  4. How deep is your dirt, sing with me how deep is your dirt...Not a Chris Tomlin song

    Meghan S.

  5. Mercy in the Quranic sense is a very great thing. It is not merely compassion or sympathy, but real and active concern. We are told that the mercy of Allah (swt) encompasses all things. Hence every good that comes to man is an aspect of His mercy. Help, guidance, care and forgiveness are all different factors of mercy. It is out of His(swt) mercy that man is guided out of darkness into light. Muhammad (saaw) came with mercy from heaven to bring that dark age out of its evil corruptions into the light of justice and truth.

    It seems like the verse is one of those key verses to their faith. (I still cant figure out who we is, like is Allah a committee) It is just another sign that makes no sense to the un-initiated.

  6. Thanks Dan...check back soon for the other side of that sign. I'd love your input of it when I finally get a picture.
