Monday, July 14, 2008

I will not read Crummy Signs in a box. I will not read them with a fox.

"I am Sam."
Malone? Adams? Beckett? Spade? Sosa? Snead?

I'd really love to know which one of those is their guest speaker...


"Music - Thot - Talk - 'Authenticity' "
Clearly not a lot of "thot" went into spelling...


Those two signs were from our trip this weekend to Canada. As a special bonus, here are a few pictures of Canadian things that my wife found funny or amusing. (Though I was born and raised there, my wife is has lived in Mississippi or Tennessee her whole life).

So, presented for your Crankin' pleasure...some Canadian quirkiness:

(My wife thinks the fact that you can go curling in Canada like you can go bowling in the US is hilarious)

(I think this is pretty hilarious myself. The pictures they chose to represent each country....ha!!)


Back with more crumminess tomorrow!

Click these, please:

Alltop Humor





  1. Since the "crank" thing won't let me save my comment, I'll do it the old fashioned way:

    I just love "authenticity".

  2. "authenticity"?

    I think it was W.C. Fields that said that the hardest part was sincerity and once you could fake that you had it made.

    I guess the same goes for "authenticity".

    Just a thot.

  3. "I am Sam."
    Um... nice to meet you? Really, I've never actually TALKED to a church sign before. So, tell me about yourself.

  4. Is the "I am Sam" one talking about the feature film starring Sean Penn? Have they given up on good old fashioned sermons, so now they show movies instead?

  5. Did the first church seriously spell “notes” with a K?

  6. The Ironic CatholicJuly 15, 2008 at 5:26 AM

    (After attending the first church's service)
    "Wow, that's the most lame exposition of II Samuel I've ever heard."

  7. Also remember that we have a lot more atheists than you guys do. The US is really full of religious fanatics, churches on every corner... it's pretty scary.

  8. I once preached a sermon built around Green Eggs and Ham, but I wouldn't have titled it "I am Sam."

  9. wait, i'm confused. which word did the canadians spell wrong in that last one? isn't neighbourhood the *correct* canadian spelling?
    (or maybe that's the - bad! - joke?)
