Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Except for that one were alone then.

"You've never cried alone. Jesus is always there."
submitted by frequent contributor Micah L.
If Jesus is always around when I'm crying, doesn't that mean I DON'T want to be around Jesus all that often?


"What would Jesus do? Just do it!"
submitted by frequent contributor Micah L.
The bracelet fad explodes into popular new cross-trainers!

(Note: The best possible joke for this sign is one I've already was in the book, in fact. Any longtime readers care to guess? Please comment below...)


"God's call of the unremarkable."
submitted by frequent contributor Micah L.
Note: He didn't mean on your church signs.


"Jesus first, others second, yourself last."
submitted/asst. reviewed by frequent contributor Laura R.
And since Jesus himself said 'The last shall be first...', that sort of puts me back up at the top. Sorry, Jesus!


"Worship in the fast lane Wednesdays"
submitted by frequent contributor Hilary S.
Thursdays it's the HOV lane, Fridays it's the sidewalk. We're really bad drivers.


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  1. As someone who cries often, I don't find the first one too crummy.

  2. Putting yourself last is a good way to get tired, used and manipulated your whole life. You have to take care of yourself first, because if you don't, you'll be of no use to anybody else. I've seen way too many people in helping professions get burnt out and quit because they worried more about their clients than they did their own well-being.

    Of course, the sign may have been posting the trifecta results from a race I missed.

  3. Win, show, and place, Beau.

    I think Jesus had a head start, though.

  4. What the sign failed to mention is that the word JOY is supposed to be an acronym for Jesus first, Others second, then Yourself last. Because that's how you get joy, apparently. Strangely, putting myself last has not brought me joy.

    Introducing the new Nike Jesus shoe, with wings? (Wait, perhaps I'm confusing that with a feminine product) I'm sure that's not the joke, but that's all that's coming to mind at the moment.

  5. "Worship in the fast lane" just makes me think of that Eagles song. =3

    "Jesus first, others second, yourself last." Okay, so I lost THAT race. Maybe if I had been wearing my Nike Air Jesuses, I would have won.

    These bad jokes brought to you by the number 7:07, and the letters A and M.
    Because that is what time it is.

  6. I know what jesus would do. He would help FMLP with her video project at

    See a sample of the clip I submitted at

  7. "WWJD? Just do it!"
    Raise the dead! Feed thousands with one kid's lunch! Walk on water! Just do it, darn it!

  8. i love the comment by anonymous. It seems to me that, to a Christianm, these church signs are quite good - not crummy. Sorry, guy, not trying to be a party pooper; just calling it like a see it. -tg
