Friday, June 13, 2008

Well, it's about time.

"Doing God's Work Now"
submitted/post title by frequent contributor Fold My Laundry Please
See?!? Crummy Church Signs must have helped them change their approach! Look at all the good things we do around here!


"We are looking for a few people who make misteaks!"
seen online by frequent contributor Rev. Wes Kenney
I have a beef with this sign.


"Church of God parking lot. Not a street."
submitted by Andrea R.
We'd build a moat with a drawbridge, but it's just not in this year's budget.


"Aren't you glad you don't need gas to get to heaven?"
submitted by frequent contributor Tara
Then I guess that means I can stop eating all these beans?


"GOLF Season: God Offers Love, Forgiveness."
submitted by frequent contributor Allen's Brain
BASEBALL Season: Brutally Awful Signs Encourage Berating And Loud Laughter.


Feel free to come up with your own Crummy Church Sign sports acronyms in the comments section.


This post cross-posted on:

Alltop Humor





  1. SOCCER: Signs Of Crummy Churches Evoke Ridicule

  2. CHESS: Christian Harebrainedness Engenders Silly Signage

  3. That "not a street" sign reminds me of the JW Kingdom Hall I lived behind. The fence next to their parking lot read "no parking."
