Tuesday, June 17, 2008

So that's what happened to the Jerky Boys...

"Lakeview U.C. wishes you a happy new year fruit cakes 586-1045"
submitted by Mike H.
Two weeks earlier, it was "Merry Christmas, @$$holes"

Seriously...who buys fruitcakes by phone anyhow?


submitted by Ishmael
You have to call the Pastor "Doc" throughout the entire sermon series.


"Think white. Think pure. Think snow."
submitted by Cody S.
I don't care how much the KKK tries to rehab their image, I am simply not buying it.


"Looking for employment? God has a job for you."
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Tara
So when the boss fires you, he literally fires you.


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Alltop Humor





  1. The Jerky Boys! That's hilarious. I haven't heard about them in a couple of decades. Have a nice day, Sizzle Chest.

  2. Back to the Future, huh?

    I just hope that the center aisle is long enough for the pastor to get up to 88 mph or he'll crash into the baptistry and that'll play hell with his flux capacitor.

  3. Can they even use the BTTF image on their church sign? I know they're non-profit, but I still think that would be considered to be copyright infringement.

  4. That Jerky Boys reference makes me think of George Michael and his one album on "Arrested Development".

  5. "fruit cakes"

    Seriously! I gotta quit reading you on a full bladder.

  6. "Seriously...who buys fruitcakes by phone anyhow?"
    Who buys them at all? Really? Well, other than guilty catholics who are trying to support monks who can't make it by distilling only brandy.
