Tuesday, June 3, 2008

I knew I shoulda turned left at Albuquerque...

"What Baptists Believe.
How to get to Heaven from LA"
submitted by frequent contributor Trevor P.
Next Sunday: How to get to hell from Detroit.
(Hint: It's a much shorter trip).


"Now That's Temptation!
Matt 4: 1-11"
submitted by new contributor Sean H.
Now That's Temptation! : It's the wacky new reality show from Fox!


"Whatever you say!"
submitted by new contributor Sarah H.
After seeing his first church sign, Joseph Smith wondered how he could effectively put its message into practice...


"Deceit is designed to look like the truth."
submitted AND reviewed by Sarah R.
...and crummy church signs are designed to look insightful.


"Total trust in times of tumult"
submitted by frequent contributor Susannah
Terribly trite...try telling truths to transform instead.


Get your votes in! It's a close race!


This post cross-posted on:


Alltop Humor





  1. Yes, it is a much shorter trip from Detroit to Hell, because we all know that Detroit is Hell's antechamber, or narthex, if you will. That must be why we don't have a whole lot of crummy church signs around. Even the churches don't bother.

  2. Was the Mormon mockery really necessary? You've just alienated this regular Christian reader. Please keep up the great snarkiness minus the jibes that dismiss the foundations of other Christian faiths.

  3. And here I thought the tomfoolery was restricted solely to the signs, not the religions. Yet another Mormon reader has just removed you from her daily reads. I must say I'm a bit disappointed.

  4. -.- I too thought the mockery was a bit much. And here I thought this place was free of that kind of stuff.

  5. And here I thought people would be ticked about the Detroit crack on the first sign...

  6. Its funny how we all like snarkiness until it hits close to home. And then suddenly we're offended.

    While I certainly wouldn't want this to become a place of theological flame wars, I think prodding our sacred cows is funny and occasionally beneficial.

    And BTW, LA is pretty close to Hell. I should knowbecause I live in Hell (we call it Fresno on maps) and its only a three and a half hour drive away from LA.

    I also know the way to San Jose. La ta da ta da.

  7. Actually, it's true. Hell, MI is a small town about an hour west of Detroit off M-36. Stop by on your next visit to Pinckney State Recreation Area!

  8. Mormonism is not a Christian faith. Check the origins of it, please.

  9. So, I don't get it.... How is any of this mocking Mormons? Aren't they just funny signs? Was there some post that I missed?

  10. "So, I don't get it.... How is any of this mocking Mormons? Aren't they just funny signs? Was there some post that I missed?"

    Joseph Smith - see the review on the third picture

  11. Hey, I'm all about laughing at myself and my religion too, to a point. I don't know if there is actual confusion at what bothered me (and presumably others like me) but it was that the sign was for a completely different church. Joseph Smith and the Mormons had nothing to do with that sign until you decided to drag them in. I've been reading for awhile and it seems like no one here pokes fun of Methodists when the Presbyterians put out a silly sign. Why bring Mormons into someone else's sign? I know it was supposed to be "all in good fun" though, so no hard feelings. If someone could please point me to a prior example of something like this on this site, I would feel a lot better.

    Besides, I think you guys are just bitter that Mormon churches never put up crummy signs that you can make fun of! ;)

  12. Okay, so I am back. After a bit of reflection, I realize I overreacted just a tiny little bit. I guess Mormons are just touchy about percieved persecution. Being run out of the United States and forced to live in Utah will do that to ya! :)

    And to anonymous: Please do check the origins. I beg you! If you'd like I'll send the missionaries your way! Or you could just read the 13 Articles of Faith, the first one being, "We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost." See? Christian!

  13. Since that church is in Mesa, AZ...which probably has the largest Mormon population outside of Utah, I didn't think the commentary was such a big stretch.

  14. "See? Christian!"

    The very reason why the Mormon church exists is because Joseph Smith believed that all other churches were apostate. Unable to coexist with orthodox Christian churches, they had to travel to Utah where they could be left alone. The Book of Mormon directly contradicts the Bible. Official LDS literature states that God is not eternally God, but that He was once a man, and that mortal men can become their own gods. The Book of Mormon and other Mormon documents distort and/or redefine virtually every important Christian term in ways that are completely incompatible with historical, orthodox, Biblical Christianity.

    Read more here and here and here.

    Mormonism is not a Christian faith.

  15. Anonymous: Please Email me if you see this. Thanks.

  16. Fold My Laundry:
    Do you believe Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are One?

    I honestly don't know...not trying to start anything, but the Article you quoted didn't indicate an acknowledgment of the Trinity. Just curious.

  17. On a less serious note...
    "Official LDS literature states..."

    I read that as LSD literature, and my reaction was along the lines of "lol wut?"

    "He did a little too much LDS." --Jim Kirk, Star Trek IV

    Okay, enough random comments for now. =P

  18. Anonymous - Have you looked at both sides of the argument before making your decision about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? Or are you basing your conclusions solely on anti-Mormon sentiments? Check out lds.org or mormon.org and see what the other side has to say about the Book of Mormon, etc. I grew up Catholic and converted when I was 18, so I grew up hearing all that same anti-Mormon stuff all my life. It really comes down to a matter of faith and this just feels right to me. Anyway, whatever you decide about it is your decision and I respect that. Being a Mormon isn't for everyone. C'est la vie.

    Joel - The LDS church believes, as do I, that the Father, the Son,and the Holy Ghost are three separate beings. Here's a link to the Articles of Faith: http://scriptures.lds.org/en/a_of_f/1
    They're kind of a brief overview of the entire religion.

    Sammi H - "LSD literature"...
    *snirk!* I almost squirted water out of my nose! And is that a real quote from Star Trek? If so, hilarious!

    Whew! I'd say I was delurking with a bang, wouldn't you?

  19. Fold:
    But see, everything I believe as a Christian is a complete sham without the doctrine of the Trinity. Salvation HINGES on Jesus being both fully God and fully man (dual natures). I think this is where 'anonymous' is delineating between Mormonism and historical Christianity.

    If it were somehow proven to me that the Trinity isn't a true doctrine, then it's over for me. The whole shooting match. There's no Christianity without that belief.

    I'm not trying to start a debate or cause anger, I'm just trying to show why a lot of people don't include Mormonism as a historical Christian faith. It's not that it disagrees on some minor issues: It degrees on THE main issues in some cases.

    Anyhow, God bless! Hope you keep reading and enjoying the snark.

  20. I was the anonymous poster. The "anti-Mormon sentiments" I have posted are from respected Christian thinkers and apologists. I'm not terribly impressed with the revisionist statements from the LDS church.

    "It really comes down to a matter of faith and this just feels right to me."

    Whether Mormonism is true or not may be a matter of faith, but its lack of consistency with Biblical Christianity is a matter of fact. Mormonism and Christianity cannot be reconciled.

  21. I just came across your blog today and it's pretty funny! Although, I do have to agree that you made a joke about a religion, not a joke about a sign. Not very cool. As for all you anti-mormons out there. I just have to say, I believe in my Savior Jesus Christ. He lived and died for me and for all of us. I am a Christian. I am a Mormon. And don't you think a mormon would know best, what mormon's actually believe? Thanks, that's all. Everyone have a wonderful day!

  22. Joel - Perhaps I oversimplified my answer. I hear the words and understand them, but I have trouble expressing them. Mormons also believe that Our Savior is both fully God and fully man, but he is not the Father. Even Jesus subjected himself to His will. The Holy Ghost is also subject to His will and acts as a sort of go between between ourselves and both Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

    ACH! I am not doing this well at all! This is why I usually let other people do the talking for me. It's been nice discussing this with you and I will continue to be a loyal reader as long as you continue to deal out the snark!

  23. Hello, it is me, Sarah H. "new contributor" to this very funny blog. More importantly the contributor of this particular photo (Whatever You Say! photo). Maybe the most ironic part of this post is that I am a Mormon. I was out of town (and out of internet access) when Joel added my crummy church sign discovery to his blog. I got a phone call from my mother-in-law telling me the good news that my "crummy sighting" was good enough for the blog. Imagine my mixed feelings when she read the commentary/review. Maybe even more ironic, I just added a link to this blog on my own blog. Thus, sending all of my Mormon friends to this website, just in time for a joke about Joseph Smith. Not my proudest moment. However, it is a lesson to me. I learned just to laugh about it. Isn't that the point? For what it is worth, Mormons believe this: "We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may."

    Even if thier conscience dictates crummy church signs.

  24. oh crap I just realized I spelled their thier. WHATEVER I SAY.
    Um, I bet this wasn't even a good example of irony either. I learned about irony from Alainis Morrissett (I don't care how her name is spelled).

  25. So I'm late to this conversation, I know, I got a little behind on my crumminess-feed.

    I don't think I'll forward my opinion on the topic, but I wanted to say that I enjoyed reading the discussion, and that it's nice to see people disagreeing on something without the conversation degrading to personal insults and general stupidity. Maybe there's hope for the Internet after all.
