Thursday, June 5, 2008

I'll have Decaf:

"Free coffee. Eternal Life. Membership has its privileges."
submitted by new contributor Danny M.
We listed them in order of importance.


"If we don't talk you don't have a prayer. -God."
submitted by new contributor Laura R.
"Seriously, Gabriel: If he doesn't call me soon, it's over between us!"


"Conscience is a faults alarm. God is the battery."
submitted by new contributor Laura R.
Of course, the battery is only there in case the real power goes out.


"See the world's strongest redneck!"
submitted by frequent contributor Christine
This Sunday at St. Barnum and Bailey's Baptist Church!

That's one of those signs where there almost has to be a picture to even believe it exists.


Last day to vote!!


This post cross-posted on:

Alltop Humor





  1. So the mute population are all hellbound, I take it?

    Hey,I think that the free coffee idea is awesome. Starbucks/Church...they could put in a drive thru confessional. Order a Venti latte and absolved of your sins for free! Genius!

  2. Can I get my Eternal Life with a venti Irish Breakfast tea, no creme, no sugar. Thanks. Oh and a cranberry scone too.

  3. "God is the battery."

    And make sure you change your God every time you set your clock back for daylight-saving time.

  4. God is like a dead battery. He has no potential.

    Note: It just sounds like an insult. The theology is actually sound.

  5. What is a "faults alarm?"

    A false alarm? Is this an eggcorn?

  6. I should emphasize that it's a poorly done malapropism, at that.

  7. Not an Eggcorn, methinks, but a malapropism:

  8. I suppose in some technical sense it may be a malapropism, but I always thought that term was used for occasions when the character/person didn't intend to use the wrong word - that is, it is due to ignorance of the language.

    In this case it just seems to be intended word play for the sake of the pun.

    ...yeah, because I go to church for puns.

  9. World's Strongest Redneck - his real name is Steve McGranahan. I know him, he actually used to support my wife and I (we work with Campus Crusade).

    He has a great ministry (of that type) and definitely has a wonderful heart for the Lord (and a crazy testimony).

  10. Faults alarm? I sure hope they don't live anywhere near the San Andreas False.

  11. ha! i'll take a double latte and a shot of salvation please!

  12. Great comments here! Thanks Jayson for the link to the Redneck!

  13. Man, I hate it when God starts to go dead and my conscience chirps all night until I finally whack it with a broom handle.
