Monday, June 16, 2008

Which faith are they talking about?

"Look beyond reason and you'll find faith."
submitted/asst. reviewed by frequent contributor BRWombat
Is. 1:18: "Come, let us be unreasonable together," says the Lord....


"What am I supposed to do...?"
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor BRWombat
We've told you: Stop making crummy signs.


"Faliure is the path of least persistence"
submitted by frequent contributor Nicholas C.
Looks like the exam results are in for CdA Christian School....


"Aim for the eyes, ears, nose and tongue."
submitted by frequent contributor Barbara B.
Wrong! Your ears you keep, and I'll tell you why...

Alternately, had this sign been reviewed by Michael Scott, Regional Manager:
"That's what she said."

"Your father is someone you will always look up to, no matter how tall you get."
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Tara
That's because daddy keeps knocking me to the floor.


Bonus points to anyone who quickly recognizes the reference in the "ears" sign.


This post cross-posted on:

Alltop Humor





  1. "The Princess Bride"-- Who do you think we are, amateurs?
    Nice job having two great pop culture references in one review.

  2. I don't know how anyone could miss the ears allusion. And, I say to those who do, "To the pain!"

  3. I just didn't know if it was one of those things people would have to think about ("Where have I heard that?") or if it was an obvious one.

    Well done!

  4. Wesley, to Prince Humperdink. The line which follows is, "And I'll tell you why."

  5. Drat! The thought of extra points so excited me that I forgot to mention, the sign in the last picture is from my hometown! I was very surprised to see it.

  6. Dangitall I'm slow.

    I enjoy the Princess Bride reference though. I got it instantly.

  7. Like the others before me, I am disappointed to not have gotten here first...Oh well...

    Have fun storming the castle!

    Sola Gratia!

  8. "Look beyond reason and you'll find faith."

    For once a church sign I agree with 100%.

  9. I'm so glad someone sent you the CdA sign. I drove by that a couple weeks ago and thought of this site, but I didn't have my camera with me. They frequently have crumminess on their sign. I need to carry my camera with me in the car.

  10. People not getting the reference right away? Inconceivable!

  11. Loved the Princess Bride quote. Made me smile instantly.

    We've been following your wonderful blog for some time and will be featuring it in a post at in July.

    Hmm, according to my calendar, it will be on July 25, to be precise. Keep up the good work.
    -Head Trickster

  12. The CdA Church sign is actually a famous quote by George M. Van Valkenburg. Took me two seconds to Google that.

    They may have crummy signs at other times, but this isn't one of them.

  13. That'd be WESTLEY to Humperdinck. For all of us whotuned in too late to be first:
    "Get used to disappointment."

  14. That's NOT a crummy sign to you? Gee, did God give us reasonable brains with which to understand, or was he just perpetrating a giant practical joke on us? Are we supposed to sit there and accept the obvious forgeries in the Bible as utter truth, even when they contradict truth and confuse the faithful? Yeah, that's a crummy sign. It's a downright crime against faith.

  15. I got here late but I'm pitching in one more Princess Bride quote for good measure...
    "Dear God, what is that thing?"
