Monday, June 9, 2008

At least they're admitting it.

"Delaying God's Work. 9:30 & 11:00"
submitted by frequent contributor Fold My Laundry Please
...not to mention the time it took for somebody to put this sign up.


"Kindness is difficult to give away because it keeps coming back"
submitted by new contributor Sarah A.
So it's kinda like herpes, except for the "difficult" part.


"The Bible or Ripley's: Believe it or Not!"
submitted by frequent contributor Barbara B.
Maybe if the Bible had lame museums in tourist traps, I might be more inclined to buy in to the whole thing.

Oh. My bad.


And now, another installment of "funny/crummy Christian/church things that aren't necessarily signs"

First, from frequent contributor Ryan DeVries in Chennai, India (who provided the hilarious caption as well):

"Please, we do not want to pray for Jenny's Aunt Matilda again."


And next, from one of my first-ever frequent contributors Miss Kitty, down in Georgia:

America. Georgia Football. Jesus.



And finally, frequent contributor Shauna H. stumbled on this homemade "music video" of a pretty good song by the band Tree63. Pretty incredible that this video is meant to be inspirational (and, taken from the comments, many were inspired by it.) I wonder how many of them were non-believers. I also wonder how many of the believers who liked it realized how crummy some of the theology was.

Thanks, Shauna!

I'd also like to specifically thank today's lead-off contributor Fold My Laundry, Please. After being quite taken aback with one of my more controversial reviews last week, I still received a submission from her afterwards. Thanks so much for sticking around and submitting!

In fact, since I've likely offended everyone at some point, thanks to all of you for sticking around, reading, and submitting. It's all in good fun. And hopefully it might change in some small way how we think about some of the things that we as Christians do.

I'm doing a guest post at Mattress Police this week, I just don't know what day it'll run. I'll come back with a second post today if it's today. Stay tuned.


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Alltop Humor





  1. So... kindness is also like crummy church signs?

    I love the fact that the "Prayer Requests and Complaints" box is locked--and doesn't appear to have any drop slot either!

  2. Glad you could use that license plate, Joel. And I second Allen on the prayer request/complaint box that doesn't seem to let folks submit either. :-)

  3. glad to see that you accept mixed media. :) there are these bumper stickers i keep seeing...

  4. Wow... that video is truly awful! And they ended it with one of the worst ones in the bunch. AND they somehow managed to get a perfectly good studio recording of a professional rock band to sound like a demo recorded in the dark somebody's basement!

  5. I admit I laughed at "Don't let worries kill you. Let the church help." There's one that can be taken in two ways.
