Friday, May 9, 2008

The First Commentary Contest Winner!

Congrats to DJ Williams, our first ever commentary contest winner! It was a very close vote, but DJ pulled it out in the end.

Second place goes to Steve Sensenig, with:

"The gospel according to Van Gogh"

Third place goes to Poke with:

"Sadly, the flame war between the Christian Otologist Federation (COF) and the League of Christian Dentists (LCD) will never end."

Congrats to all three excellent entries, and to everyone who participated!

DJ: Email me with your mailing address, you win a copy of the Crummy Church Signs book!
Also, here's an award badge you can post on your blog:

I'll have a new commentary contest Monday, but in the meantime here is some more crumminess:


"Pentecost Sunday/ Sermon/No Comma Momma/Happy Mother's Day"
submitted by new contributor Trevor P.
Well at least this church sign admits they're not going to bother with punctuation.

On the other hand: Does anybody know what the &^%$ they're talking about??

"The deacons told me to change this sign so I did"
submitted by frequent contributor Rachel H.

There is a certain something to be said about devotion to one's job.

You just shouldn't say it about this sign.

" 'We'll see each other again, Mom' the dead man sat up and said"

submitted by frequent contributor Barbara B.
This Sunday, a very special "Tales from the Crypt" edition of Sunday School.


"What is to give light must endure burning."
submitted by frequent contributor Barbara G.
So I should stop taking this penicillin??


New sign posting format: Yea or Nay??

In case you missed it yesterday, a big "THANKS" to frequent contributor BRWombat for the new header. Great job!


This post cross-posted on:

Alltop Humor





  1. I don't suppose "alt text" has been suggested. That would be the historical way of letting text-based browsers know what the images said, and modern browsers display the alt text when the mouse hovers over them.

    The new captions don't bother me, but when there are pre-existing conventions for solving problems, I like to use those first.

  2. That was my first choice, too...but there are some people who have poor eyesight that couldn't read the signs even when the pics showed up.

  3. Yea to BRWombat...the new header looks great! btw Joel, I enjoyed the contest. I'd love to see more.

  4. I think it will be good because it will allow people to search for a particular sign saying.

  5. I think the comma, momma reference may be an different versions of the bible KJV vs NIV type of stuff....yep....great...i do so hope Im wrong!!!!!!!

  6. Congrats to DJ! And to Steve! This was a lot of fun, and I can't wait 'til next week.


  7. My hat off to DJ. I thought I might actually pull it off (a victory, not my hat) when I gained about 10 points and passed him. But he managed to get back in it.

    Personally, I thought that I could count on the super delegates to put me in the lead, so I refused to concede the race until the very end. ;)

    Can't wait until the next one.

  8. Ooh... I like the new format! All of it!

  9. Steve,

    Your dependance on the superdelegates and your needless protraction of the race has fractured the community here at CSS, and has given the church signs an advantage going into the fall. Shame on you. Don't you know that you're supposed to drop out of the race when your opponent tells you to? :)

    Crummy Church Signs: Change we can believe in!

  10. Does this mean I won't be selected as your vice-winner, DJ?

    Personally, I think that votes from people in Michigan and Florida should have been counted after all, but Joel said no way. If you would count those, I'm sure I would have won, then.
