Thursday, May 29, 2008

Make mine a double:

"Tent revival with Jack Daniels. May 4-7 6:30"
submitted by new contributor Philip R.
I'd like my Tent Revival shaken, not stirred.


"We don't change the message, the message changes us."
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Poke
Because we are the message's baby.


"Final warning. Terrible Times ahead & only Jesus can save us."
submitted by new contributor Chris S.
Seriously, this is our last warning before we open up a whole can of whoop-ass on this community.


"We determine our eternal destiny"
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Beau S.
God used to, but ya know...layoffs.


"Obtaining freedom is not difficult. Keeping freedom is not easy."
submitted by frequent contributor Barbara B.
Obtaining freedom is not really that difficult. The Revolutionary War was like a walk in the park.

Especially when George Washington was, like, 6'8" and weighed a &*%$ing ton.
(If you get that joke, sorry. If you don't, it's probably best).


Get your captions in by tonight!


This post cross-posted on:

Alltop Humor





  1. Where is Lake Hamilton? I'm converting back from Catholicism, looking for a good church and that one sounds like more fun than a barrel of Monk-ees! Ha! Get it? Monks...monkees? Okay, Ill stop now.
    Happy Thursday!

  2. Jack Daniels? I guess the ice cream socials and pizza blasts just don't draw them in like they used to.

    "We don't change the message, the message changes us."

    That means that the guy who has the keys to the letters for the sign has left the church and everyone is really upset about it, so now alot of folks are leaving and going across town to the church who has the electronic marquee.

  3. "Final warning": with a sign like that, you'll never have to change it!

    I thought George weighed a Washing ton.

  4. If I show up at 5 pm for the tent revival with Jack Daniels, can I make use of the Happy Hour specials? Or is that only at the Margarita Maunday Thursday service with Jose Cuervo?

  5. "Because we are the message's baby" has to be one of your funniest comments.

    I gotta dig up that GW video. Damn, that was funny. Did you know he was made of radiation?

  6. He'll save children, but not the British children?

  7. lake hamilton is in hot springs, AR. if you look real close in the picture, you can see the AR state highway sign for hwy. 7 to the left. if even one person from every county in AR knew about this blog and was taking pictures for it even once a week, joel would have so much material that he could have a caption contest every day!

    mayflower, AR

  8. Jack Daniels is the name of the evangelist that was preaching this revival. Go to his web site and check it out. His testimony is awesome!
