Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Just say whatever comes to your mind...

"Say it til it sticks"
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor BRWombat
"Don't make crummy signs....don't make crummy signs...don't make crummy signs..."


"A woman that fear the Lord she shall be praised"
submitted by frequent contributor BRWombat
And a woman who utilizes correct subject-verb agreement shall not be mocked mercilessly.


"There's a miracle in the house!"
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor BRWombat
Quick! Shut the doors! Call the exterminator!


"God is never too busy to listen"
submitted by frequent contributor Poke
Huh? I'm sorry, did you say something?


"Is your Bible red or read?"
submitted by new contributor Curtis F.
Mine's plaid. Does that count?

What are they talking about??

"Avoiding a decision is a decision."
submitted by frequent contributor Sandi Y.
I'll try and figure out whether I agree with that later.


"The great oak was once a nut that stood its ground"
submitted by new contributor Ann S.
...so there's hope for some of our congregants yet.


There's still a few days to get your comments in. We've got some good ones so far, but there's still plenty left to be said about the crab apple sign!


This post cross-posted on:


Alltop Humor





  1. Damn commies

    They thought they could
    fool us with that
    fall of the Berlin Wall charade.

    They're out there!

  2. "til it sticks": I guess the times of their worship services are hard to remember.

    "The woman that fear the Lord..." Joel, you missed a "she" in your caption.
    This is nearly a quote fom the Bible. Would it take that much effort to LOOK IT UP and double-check for grammar?
    Sadder yet, this place has a school!

    "God is never too busy to listen" but just like your psychiatrist, he won't actually do anything about your problems.

    Red is a popular bible cover color, I guess, but it's more important to read it. There's a lame joke about the best Bible being "read," but they even hosed that up!

  3. Maybe they’re referring to red-letter Bibles?

  4. I have a feeling that the "red or read" comment indicates that it's far more important to have coloured text in the bible on your shelf than to actually read the bible you may have.

  5. "God is never too busy to listen" ... and thus began a doctrinal between the Immanuel Baptist church and the Unknown church of Christ, which believes that, "God can not be everywhere, so he created mothers."

  6. When the RSV came out, it was published with a red cover, and many people thought that it was a sign of support for Communism. Could this be a slam against people who read contemporary translations rather than the "Authorized", or KJV, which many conservative Christians consider the only valid version of the bible (in English or in any other language)?

  7. Mine's blue with gold lettering. And it's read. Not as often as I'd like.. :( And my CAPTCHA was 'doom' - that's got to be a bad sign.
