Wednesday, May 7, 2008

It's sort of a 50:50 relationship:

submitted by frequent contributor Rev. Wes Kenney
Sola Factum.

submitted by frequent contributor Rev. Wes Kenney
So does this sign, since it falls flat.

submitted by frequent contributor Rev. Wes Kenney
But if your Armor of God is made of wool, you have much bigger problems.

Like this kid, for example.

submitted by frequent contributor Rev. Wes Kenney
Do I hear one? One wasted experience in the life God controls? Thank you sir! How about two? Two wasted experiences?? Thanks, ma'am...THREE wasted experiences?!? Do I hear three??

This sign isn't that crummy...but it is quite a guilt trip.

submitted by frequent contributor Rev. Wes Kenney
But really, are either of those are the best option?

In case you never read who submits each sign, today was "Rev. Wes Kenney Day" here at CCS. Thanks, brother!


One more day to vote! It's getting tighter!

Also you can get your voting thrills over at Mattress Police. Some great entries this week! (Except for Brad, who is lobbying to become the first 4x winner at Mattress Police. This is something I want to do first. So his caption is not funny this week and should not be voted for :) )


This post cross-posted on:

Alltop Humor





  1. Okay, I'll be the first to admit it... I don't speak Latin, and Google was no help. I'm a Non-Denom, for goodness sakes... we don't know all that fancy seminary stuff. Some of us are lucky if we know that "Nicene Creed" isn't a kind of undersea vegetation or a condiment! :) Explanation, please?

  2. "Wes Kenney Day"...that's all we need! ;-)

    I don't know if Wes will be able to get in here to comment...with that big ol' head now and all!

    ..To the 1st sign:

    "...yeah!...because God would obviously get really tired if He had to do it all."

    Sola Gratia!

  3. MJ:

    If you see Scott's signature, it says "Sola Gratia", which roughly means "Grace Alone". The reforming church said this alot, to emphasize that salvation is by grace alone.

    They also said things like "Sola Scriptura" (the Scriptures alone), etc.

    My little snark roughly translates to "Actions Alone", since that sign basically says that grace alone isn't going to get the job done.

  4. So if I do what I can, God will:

    1) Run faster than a speeding bullet

    2) Leap over tall buildings in a single bound

    3) Not think of this blog when he sees a church sign


  5. In hoc signo vinces: solum factum.

  6. A day hemmed and hawed in prayer is going to disintegrate.

  7. Hahah, that last one is a quote from Kurt Cobain. I wonder if they knew that when the put the sign up. So is the church telling me to listen to Nirvana? Because that would be awesome.
