Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Twice the Crumminess:

"No one is poor who has had a Godly mother."

"Nobody is poor who has had a Godly mother"
both signs submitted by frequent contributor MJ
These signs were seen within a mile of each other on the same road.

Didn't their Godly mothers teach them never to copy someone else's work??

"Heaven, don't miss it for the world."
submitted by frequent contributor Rev. Wes Kenney
I've seen the trailer, and it does look pretty sweet.


"Keep using My Name like that and I'll make traffic worse!"
submitted by new contributor Matt P.
Exodus 20:5: "For I, the Lord your God am a jealous God...and sort of spiteful, with a bit of a mean streak as well..."


"If wishes were fishes we'd live in the sea."
submitted by Christopher S.
And if Crummy Church Signs were candy and nuts, we'd all have a Merry Christmas.

WTF are they talking about??


"Come see Young Song"
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Christine
Chopsticks provided upon request.


"Gossip is worse than a lie, because there's some truth to gossip."
submitted AND reviewed by new contributor Bookgrunt
...and second degree domestic violence is worse than murder, because at least you loved her.

What a horrible sign.


Get your comments in by tomorrow!


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Alltop Humor





  1. That first one, the verse, Ervice 10:30? Is that a new addition to the Old Testament that I'm not aware of?

  2. Man, I was beat to the punch, well I'm gonna say it anyway...

    "What no comment on Ervice times?"

  3. Pssst! Did you hear that the reverend posted that "Gossip" sign while he was smoking a joint and boinking the church secretary?

  4. Who am I?
    My name is Ish.
    On my hand I have a dish.

    I have this dish
    to help me wish.

    When I wish to make a wish
    I wave my hand with a big swish swish.
    Then I say, "I wish for fish!"
    And I get fish right on my dish.

    if you wish to wish a wish,
    you may swish for fish
    with my Ish wish dish.

    - Dr. Seuss

  5. "Heaven, don't miss it for the world."

    "Why Richard, it profits a man nothing to lose his soul for the whole world... but for Wales?"

  6. "Heaven, don't miss it for the world."
    I KNEW I should've gone last week. I mean, I kept telling myself I was gonna go, but then I had work, and I got a new video game, and... Well, I hear it's coming to town next week. I won't miss it then!

    So that was rambly and not that funny.
    I just woke up. Sorry! ^^;;

  7. I actually saw the same godly mother sign in Prescott, AR and cursed myself for not having a camera. Thank goodness crumminess is universal.

  8. The Ironic CatholicMay 14, 2008 at 7:51 PM

    Re: sign #4
    God really, really, really hates Boston. And Mexico City. And Calcutta.

    North Dakota is pretty sweet, though.

  9. "Keep using my name like that..." apparently God hates the name game: "God, God, Mo--mod, banana-fana fo-God..." BEEP! BEEP!

    I wish these signs weren't so crummy. Nice Seuss quote, btw, Paul. If wishes were dishes, we'd live in a diner. If wishes were knishes, we'd all be Jewish.

    "Gossip is worse..." That's why God stuck that "Thou shalt not gossip" law in the ten commandments.

    verification word: rrrevv - A preacher driving a hot rod.
