Friday, May 16, 2008

Showtime at the Appalling:

Sign 1: "Who was the greatest female financier?"
Sign 2: "Pharoah's daughter. She drew a prophet from the bank"
submitted AND reviewed by new contributor Rev. Steve K.
These signs may cause people to lose interest.


Warning Sign: "Crew working in trees"
Church Sign: "God promises a safe landing not a calm passage."
submitted by frequent contributor Chris J.
File this one under "You know it's time to take a day off from work when..."

Note: Yes, I know I can blow the pictures up to see the signs better. What's funny about this one is the juxtaposition of the church sign and the working sign. No emails about this particular one, please. It's on purpose.

"Of all the things (I) wear, my expression is the most important"
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Chris J.
Really? 'Cause I was kinda hoping you'd say "pants".


"A hug is the best gift. One size fits all."
submitted/asst. reviewed by frequent contributor Tara
Well I hate to tell you, but that hug makes your ass look HUGE.


"Thank heavens for godly mothers."
submitted by frequent contributor Tara
...and to hells with the rest.


Commenting in the second contest has ended. Next Monday, I'll put up the top 10 captions for your voting pleasure. Thanks to everyone who participated!!


This post cross-posted on:

Alltop Humor





  1. Is being a financier something that is typically sex differentiated? Men's 500m Financing, Women's 1000m Financing Relay? Is there a better male financier? Or are we just trying to be sexist? Are why is the sad cebu sad?

  2. If one is going to put a bad pun on a church sign, one might get the pun right... many financiers make a profit from banks. Pharaoh's daughter drew a little prophet from the rushes on the banks. To make a profit from a run on a bank, one has to be far cleverer.

    Is the canoe wood or aluminum?

  3. "A hug is the best gift. One size fits all."

    That's a good idea.
    I'm going to try that on my anniversary.

  4. This is quite dissapointing! I am going to have to speak to Bob about this!

    Oh look a Cebu!!!

    Joel have you talked to Bob about these signs! (Thank you guys for the Veggie Tales because between my 1 year old and 3 year old I never have enough!)

    And by the way, I could have sworn that the greatest and best gift of all time was God giving us Jesus Christ!!!!


  5. "I'm gonna hug you and kiss you and love you forever"
    - Elmyra Duff

  6. How many car accidents were caused by drivers who read one side of the sign and then looked away from the road to read the other side?

    Of course, if you are coming from the "answer" side of the sign, it would make no sense at all.

  7. Crap, I missed the contest. Remind me next time. I'm a busy man.

  8. Can someone please explain why St. James United Methodist Church is using an upside-down M as a W and an upside-down W as an M? How does that even remotely make sense?
