Wednesday, November 8, 2006

New Rule: If you can't spell your denomination's're out of the denomination.

all signs this post submitted by new contributor Chuck S.
"Not typical" in that we refuse to look at the blue part of our sign to see how to spell "Baptist".

I could have had a field day just with the slogan, too...but I might leave that to the Baptist brothers and sisters in the comments section.

At what point does a "trend" reach epidemic proportions?

...and you sure wouldn't want to be in heaven one second longer than you need to.

Isn't this sign sort of assuming everyone speeding past the church is going to hell? I didn't know 45 in a 35 was the unforgiveable sin.

Thanks, Chuck!

Everyone else....keep 'em coming.


  1. Oh, how I *love* misspelled signs!

    At least these only add an extra "i." A surprisingly high number of my students write things in their essays--ignoring SpellCheck, I assume--such as, "I have been a Babtist all my life." Just because we Southerners pronounce the 'p' as a 'b' doesn't mean we spell it that way.

  2. I've met a lot of Baptists. Hell, I used to be one, and let me tell you that sign was probably done by the cream of the crop. What does that say about the rest of them? I know I'm going to catch flack for that.

    As for the last one, I believe the seven deadly sins as first introduced by Gregory the Great were gluttony, lust, greed, wrath, envy, pride, and moving violations.

    Of course, I might be confusing that last one with late assignments or something. I always forget.

  3. Don't forget "Yankees fan". I think that was #7(b)

    And dude, come out swinging on the Baptists, why dontcha? :) I became a Christian in the Baptist church, and grew up there myself. I know what you mean in your comments (funny), and often that sterotype does apply, but I also know a ton of really smart, really sharp Baptists. A couple of our regular contributors are Baptist Rev.'s, what would "Not the typical Baptist Church" look like?

  4. The last church I was at had "First Babtist Church" written in magic marker on the underside of many of our tables. Made me proud.

    By the way, are "baptisims a new "Sims" add-on, and I just missed it?

  5. Bah! I can't believe I missed the "Sims" joke. Good call, Rev. Kenney.

  6. I was just kidding about the Baptists comment. Just trying to keep up the funny.

    zfsuu (v) - The act of taking a joke as a serious opinion.

  7. wes kenny - Great, you've just given someone the idea for a Christian version of Sim City. I sense the coming of kitsch.

    We were at some friends' house the other day and someone suggested we play a game. They hauled out a game called "Apples to Apples," which is a fairly enjoyable game, if you've never played it. Then I say that it was the "Bible version" of the game, and I couldn't help myself from blurting out, "What the HELL?!" Needless to say, we ended up playing cards.

  8. Gregory..
    I know you were kidding about the Baptists (and it was funny), but as admin. of this blog, I felt the need to come to their defense just a bit.

    One of their biggest faults, after all, is that they are way to sensitive about things and need constant reassurance.


  9. Doesn't the mere fact that they HAVE a church sign complete with stick-up letters further affirm that they are exactly like every other "Bapitist" Church in the nation?

    Hi. I'm a lurker. :)

  10. Who's sensitive? You sayin' I'm sensitive? I can't believe you would even suggest something like that!


  11. Tammi...

    Lurkers aren't normally allowed to make such rational observations their first time. Makes the rest of us look bad.

    Welcome, enjoy your stay.


  12. Not your typical Baptist church? Must mean that they don't shame you into filling out a "visitor's card" and then use that information to send strangers to your house, unannounced, on Monday night, right in the middle of the football game.

    Or, maybe they don't pretend that Jesus drank Welch's.

  13. BOOM!

    Ladies and gentlemen, SpookyRach!!

  14. Ok, I hesitate to raise the issue--
    but how come I don't see any crummy Catholic church signs?

    Granted, it may be that since I live in a small town that is the seat of a diocese (i.e. the Bishop lives down the street), the crumminess is self-regulated.

    Maybe that's why there are an abundance of crummy Baptist signs of late...all that local governance stuff. If y'all just had a hierarchy! THAT's the key to less crummy Chruch signs!

    Whew, I figured that one out.

