Monday, November 27, 2006

I really need to update my Frequent Contributors...

submitted by soon to be added frequent contributor Chuck S.

Phew! As in "Phew! That was a close call, as I was nearly sideswiped by a tractor trailer while trying to read the entire contents of that church sign!"


submitted by frequent contributor Miss Kitty, GA
Good idea. In fact, I think I know where we can find some kindling....

"Just because we come from dirt doesn't mean we should wallow in it."
submitted by soon to be added frequent contributor Kyle E., AL
I wasn't aware that there was a large contingent of churchgoers who who feel that we should wallow in it. Or non-churchgoers, for that matter.

"What is politically correct may not be Biblically correct"
submitted by soon to be added frequent contributor Kyle E., AL
Don't mind us, world; it's just our little built-in excuse for being a bunch of jerks.

"Be thankful for dirty dishes, because that means you have food to eat."
submitted AND reviewed by soon to be....oh you know.... Adam from AskingY
Well, I guess my wife and I have a lot to be thankful for at our house.

Note about that last sign: Though there are less corny ways of saying it...they're right. Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

God Bless.

Keep 'em coming.


  1. Just goes to show that people toss around phrases and don't know what they mean (i.e., "politically correct"). That bugs the ^%$# out of me.

    Good bunch of signs.

  2. If the world is cold, start a fire? What the heck does that even mean?

    For the next one, they could also use "Just because we're descended from monkeys doesn't mean we have to act like them." I bet that would get some attention.

    BTW, Joel and Joel's faithful readers, you are all invited to participate in the
    Lamest Contest Ever. Hope you don't mind the shameless self-promotion....

  3. When I was a kid my Mom had a plaque in her kitchen with the little poem:

    Thank God for dirty dishes,
    They have a tale to tell;
    While others are going hungry,
    We're eating very well.

    I can't believe I remember that twenty-five years later.
