Saturday, November 18, 2006

"Holiday magic comes from within."

submitted by new contributor Todd W. Sign from Holland, MI
Today's theology proudly brought to you by the Muppets. All rights reserved, Bible not included.

"God makes faces round. Man makes faces long."
submitted by new contributor Becky T., SD
So God makes owls , but man makes horses? What does this sign even mean? I'm baffled.

"Success starts on Sunday"
submitted by Matt V., Winnipeg, Manitoba
...and Friday, I'm in love.

"Come jam with the lamb."
submitted by new contributor David W., Greeneville, SC
I wonder if their praise band has a beat-boxer?

"Fundamentalists don't use the NKJV."
submitted by new contributor David W., Greeneville, SC
You can almost hear the sneer in their voices as the pronounce the "N" in NKJV.

At any rate, they're right: fundamentalists don't use the NKJV...they use the Koran.

Thanks to all the newbies. Good starts, all.

On a side note....GO WOLVERINES.

More here.


  1. Holiday magic comes from within.

    Ah, more quips from the Feel Good Church of Self-Help.

    That last one pisses me off because I consider myself a fundamentalist and no I don't use the NKJV. I use the NASB, because it's more accurate. So there.

  2. Yeah, I consider myself a fundamentalist too BY DEFINITION...but I would never say so in public, because the word has taken on a whole new meaning of it's own.

    I like NASB also.

  3. Holiday magic comes from within?!?! That is wrong on SO many levels. It makes me nostalgic for "Christmas begins with Christ."

  4. As you can see from my poorly-spelled post. Aaaack.

  5. I don't anything even mildly witty or smart-aleck to say. The crumminess has shocked me into stunned silence.

    [brain seizes up]

  6. The fundamentalist comment...classic!

  7. For all you do, His blood's for you!
