Thursday, November 2, 2006

Five Funny Blogs and Two Crummy Church Signs

Firstly, let me be forthcoming in saying that I am only doing this because I am a sheep, and will shamelessly emulate anyone wittier or more clever than myself in an effort to sound witty and clever, and to otherwise associate myself with that person. So, that being said, I am now shamelessly emulating Diesel AND Gregory in submitting, for your pleasure, Five Funny Blogs. In fact, I cut and paste this paragraph and the following list of criteria from them. Completely shameless. Here are the criteria to make "the list":

1. They are funny.
2. They are made up of mostly original content (not links to other blogs, YouTube, etc.)
3. They are updated regularly.
4. There is a good chance you've never heard of them. That means they don't have a gazillion other links to them, hundreds of readers leaving comments, etc. Well...some of them do, but my the readers of my blog that I know don't all already read all of these blogs.
5. At least one of them isn't already on my blog roll. (In other words, I had to go looking for it.)

Here goes:

Five Funny Blogs

Mattress Police: The aforementioned witty person whom I am emulating (Diesel). Random essays about his life, music, movies, etc. that cause me to laugh out loud. And I'm a tough audience.

Kinda Kitschy: The other aforementioned witty person whom I am emulating (Gregory). Basically, it's a collection similar to Crummy Church Signs, but with Christian Kitsch. Be sure to read his recent review of Christian Eau de Toilette. Priceless. (Diesel's subsequent comments aren't bad either).

Indexed: The math teacher in me likes the Venn diagrams. The smart ass in me likes the content and commentary.

Steeples and People: More thought-provoking than funny (though it is quite funny...).

Slacktivist: If you aren't keeping up with his (her?) running commentary as he reads his (her?) way through the Left Behind series...well....I'm sorry for you. Start now, and catch up on the archives when you have a spare week or two.

So, there it is. I’ve done my good deed for the day and balanced my karma. Now go increase their hit counters. And do the same post on your blog, with 5 new blogs! Spread the hits around.

NOW....a couple of Crummy Church Signs, as the title of this whole blog promises.

"Make Jesus Savior and Lord"
submitted AND asst. reviewed by frequent contributor Rev. Wes Kenney, OK
Wow...that's giving me a lot more power than I thought I had. Who knew?

Oh....they meant to add "...of my life". Still...

"Hallalujah Hoedown!"
submitted by frequent contributor Jennifer Bezaire, Smyrna, TN
"Swing your partner round and round,
Try to endure this awful sound!
Promenade and doe-si-doe;
Pass the plate, give us your dough!

Change your partner, still sing praise,
If this were real, we'd change our ways!
But we hate immigrants and gays,
No matter what the Bible says!"

At least this is what I guess it would sound like.

You may add your own verses to the "Hallelujah Hoedown" in the comments section.


  1. Sign 1: And to think, all it took was omitting one personal pronoun. Who'da thunkit?

    Sign 2:
    Swing your partner round and round,
    I once was lost but now I'm found!
    Do-si-doe, now kick and twirl,
    Forcibly convert the world!"

  2. Sign 1: Ack! Possessive pronoun! Sorry, Miss Kitty!

  3. Sign 1: What?.....he isn't already?!


  4. "Swing your partner, all the men right;
    Living with the Spirit is outta sight!
    Watch us speak in tongues all night,
    'til we give all the visitors quite a fright"

  5. It's cool, Greg. At least you know your grammar terminology. :-)

    Swing your partner, jump them pews,
    Skeer the hell out of the Jews!
    Speak in tongues, roll in the floor,
    'Til the kiddies scream 'no more!'

    I'm still having flashbacks from going to a Charismatic church with a babysitter at age 9. I'd never seen adults "get the spirit," and it was terrifying. And this church blamed all the world's problems on Jews, black people, etc.

    [shakes head, blinks rapidly]

  6. I'm honored to be mentioned in a post alongside this steaming pile of...shazam! Look at the time. Gotta go.

    Thanks. :)

  7. Thanks, Joel, thanks a lot.

    I burned up most of an evening at the "slacktivist" link "catching up."

    Good stuff, that.
