Monday, November 6, 2006

"Who's on your team?"

submitted AND asst. reviewed by KC Swan, Tulsa, OK
Well, until the end of the free agent signing period, I can't tell for sure. But Lord knows we need some pitching.

We could also use someone to replace Judas, who was great on the "suicide squeeze" play.

*rim shot*

KC also points out a church sign that was seen shortly afterwards offering emergency food for those in need, accompanied by a phone number. Sigh. 400+ crummy church signs, and this is the first mention of one doing something so very right.

Keep 'em coming.


  1. Man, I hope it's not Satan. I always get stuck with that guy.

  2. I'm *still* trying to trade Satan off my team, but he ends up back here one way or another. Sometimes he's waaaay down in the farm system...sometimes he's in the starting lineup in the big leagues.

  3. And remember, there is no "Lord" in "team"!
    Isn't the right question, "Who is on God's team?"?

    I've never cared for sports analogies, so this sign makes me grumpy.

  4. Allen, I fear you may have created a Christian sports league T-shirt monster. [sigh] Just you wait and see...

  5. Naw...everyone knows Jesus plays goalie...

    Jesus saves!

  6. Wasn't there a country song about "Kick me Jesus through the goal post of life"?

  7. I think that was a real country-western song from the '60s or '70s. No kidding.

  8. Actually, it was "Drop-kick me, Jesus, through the goal posts of life."

