Tuesday, November 21, 2006

"When a river falls it just keeps going."

submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor David Finch, DC
And when you flush a toilet, the water drains clockwise. But what does that have to do with God, the Bible, the Church . . . ? Are we supposed to use the river as an example and fall further when we fall? I really don't think that's in the Bible.

The subject line to David's email was "Helpful Observations about Nature." Heh heh heh...

"Fall Leaves but Jesus Doesn't"
submitted by frequent contributor (as soon as I get around to adding him) Kyle Evans, AL
Tell that to these guys.

I had a nice interview with Anita from the Nashville Tennessean today. Local folks, check out Sunday's paper for a nice article about church signs, where your favorite snarky blogger might be mentioned (or might not, if he didn't say anything useful...I have been known to do that from time to time). Out of towners, check out www.tennessean.com on Sunday and see what's cookin'. I get the sense it's going to be a really good article either without my input, or in spite of it.

Everyone have a great Thanksgiving, if I don't get to update before then. I'm thankful for my snarky little online community of readers, commenters, contributors, and (dare I say) friends. (Even you, Diesel).

Keep 'em coming.


  1. South of the equator, the water drains from the bowl counter-clockwise. Does that matter at all in this? ;-)

  2. Doesn't water keep going no matter what?

    Water also forms to fit any container into which it's placed. Should we take a lesson from that?

    Christian Lessons from Water: Just go with the flow!

  3. It only takes 1/8" drop in one mile for water to flow (as in streams or rivers). Wonder what we can glean from that tidbit of H2Ology? Bleh.

    Joel in the Tennessean! Aww, yeeeeeah, baby! I'll check out their site and hope you get a mention. A good paper from an even better town. Ahh, how I miss Nashville. [sigh]

  4. My faith is most solid at temperatures at or below 32 degrees Fahrenheit.

    Joel, they had better mention you, because COME ON.

    What did I do to earn an "Even you, Diesel"? Have I been more of a jerk than usual? My wife usually lets me know.

  5. Naw, I mentioned you Diesel because I knew of all my commentators/readers, you would write that comment off as me being smart-alecky and not take it too personally or anything.



  6. Wow, I'm honored that you think I'm the most thick-skinned of your readers. And here I was, about to cry myself to sleep because Joel didn't like me.


  7. Well...now I know to pick on Gregory next time.

    Have a great Thanksgiving everybody!
