Friday, November 3, 2006

"Goals are dreams with deadlines"

submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor David Finch, DC
So if my goal is to pay my mortgage and my taxes on time, that's a dream? I feel tingly all over with anticipation!


  1. "on that one"

    Fingers aren't working very well this morning. Sorry.

  2. Whew. That is beyond crummy.

    My dream is to sprout wings & fly. What sort of deadline's ont hat one?

  3. Joel, while I hope that you don't have unrealistic dreams of paying your mortgage and taxes on time, I must ask, what is the consequence for not meeting your deadline?

    A life of sorrow and regret marked by discarded aspirations and empty gin bottles, that's what.

    By the way, when did church marquees become motivational self-help books?

    ognziso (n) - A Blogospherian delicacy prepared with satire, snark, and a little bit of hard truth.

  4. And failures are dreams that have been put out of their misery.

    Happy Friday!

  5. Gregory, church signs became motivational self help books about 3 seconds after the final rivet went into the first one and the switch was thrown, turning the lights on.
