Friday, November 10, 2006

"What would Jesus do? Choose babies and life."

submitted AND reviewed by Hilary Swinson
If I recall correctly, Jesus actually chose death.

"Our words lay the track for our lives"
submitted by frequent contributor David Finch, DC
And our food provides the fuel. Chew chew!


"There are some questions that can't be answered by Google"
submitted by Kyle Evans. See a picture at this site.
They're right. Do NOT try Googling "Church Signs That Don't Suck". Your computer explodes.

I had so many funny and enormously inappropriate comments for that last sign. You may thank me for my show of restraint.

Keep 'em coming.


  1. Not that I disagree with the first sign as far as certain moral issues go, but I hate when people presume to speak for Jesus. Only the Bible does that.

  2. Well, Jesus would certainly never get an abortion! Because he was, you know, a guy...

    There are some questions that can't be answered by Google. For that we have Wikipedia!

    Still looking for an answer to the question, "Do you know the way to San Jose?" in my Bible.

  3. 1. And not listen to all that heavy metal. And cut his hair. And maybe take out the trash once in a while.

    2. Last stop: Bad Metaphorville!

    3. Evidence that the people who put up this sign are a bunch of Yahoos.

  4. Well, while we're on the subject of supposing what Jesus would or wouldn't do...

    Take a look.

  5. Maybe it should've shown Jesus bungee-jumping? Or poo-diving? I dunno.

  6. WWJD?

    Order the salmon, and maybe a diet coke.
