Friday, April 11, 2008

How To Capture a Crummy Church Sign While Riding In an Autorikshaw... instructional video, with commentary, by Ryan DeVries, Chennai, India:

"The things I will do to get the shot of a CCS (Crummy Church Sign) for Joel to ridicule. I realized why risk a one shot miss of the illusive Ashram of Sri La Sri of Pighill sign when I could take a video... then a screen shot...":

And the resulting screen shot:

Joel' comment: Well, at least they're not out of toilet paper.

Thanks to Ryan and his wife Nancy for their efforts on the other side of the globe. And not just efforts in gathering crumminess, though that is appreciated as well. :)

This post cross-posted on:

Alltop Humor





  1. Well Joel... they might not have any toilet paper either...

  2. Well, then, forget prayer and blessings. They need some Charmin up in there.

  3. So if I get in a wreck while trying to take a photo, that gives me extra points? There is an entire new level to this blog! :o)

  4. C-L is onto something here:
    I think submitters should include a "danger rating" with their pictures.

    Like, if you took it while driving, that would be a 7/10. If you got out of your car in a sketchy neighborhood at night, that would be an 8/10.

    If you're a church member and take a picture from your own church....


  5. Sounds like they've got the makings of a megachurch there!
