Thursday, April 3, 2008

We're not from Mars after all?

submitted by frequent contributor Chris
Next Sunday's sermon: "Lies About Women".

submitted by Bonnie M.
Dear You,
I have a problem. It also happens to be you.

submitted by new contributor Marie H.
In the body of Christ, this church is the stomach.

submitted by new contributor Lois H.
Huh. So that's how He did it.

"God is like v05 hairspray. He holds in all kinds of weather."

submitted by frequent contributor Tara, OH
God is also like a righteous judge, who expresses His wrath every day (Psalm 7:11). I doubt they'll ever put that on their sign.

(Joel's note: Nor should they. There's not enough space to give it the proper context. Just sayin' that when we're gathered around the throne in heaven, I doubt we'll be singing His praises because He's "like hairspray").

Sunday 8 AM."

submitted by new contributor Maresi
Well, at least they're up front about it.

This post cross-posted on:

Alltop Humor





  1. Getting Fat in the Lord
    It must be too much of that "love gravy"

  2. Maybe they meant to tell God that their problem is with the entire state of Maine, but they didn't have enough letters, so they abbreviated it to ME.

  3. Mr D. Of course. And not enough cranberries.

    Grant: Perhaps, but I find that people have much more of a problem with Vermont. At least people can locate Maine on a map.

  4. The Ironic CatholicApril 3, 2008 at 8:52 AM

    Vermont=the new Canaan?

    (Actually I love Vermont. Almost ended up teaching there. Beautiful.)

    I'm loving the Christ Rises Through Our Heavenly Elevator one.

  5. I like the backwards apostrophe on "It's me."

    Getting fat in the Lord, eh?
    Remember what the father in the prodigal son story did when the boy returned?

  6. Re: apostrophe, it actually looks more like a vertically flipped comma, now that you bring that up. I'd expect an apostrophe not to be so bottom-heavy. XD

  7. I didn't think real men told the truth?

  8. The "elevator entrance" is perhaps the greatest ever! I fell off my chair laughing. Ow!

  9. "Dear God...I have a's me."

    That exact same sign was at the Presbyterian church in Warren, PA last week - I wonder if they're mining your site for ideas?

