Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Humm....are you idiots??

submitted by f.c. Katherine Trexler. Originally posted here.
I hope the federal government rips their tax exempt status right out from under them. Jerks.

I wonder if they'd ever post "McCain Hussein...Hummm are they cousins?" (Not that they should, mind you.)

Note: This sign was submitted by at least three other folks, but Katherine was first so she gets credit.

submitted/asst. reviewed by new contributor Anne W.
Above all.

Including salvation, redemption, etc...

Also: Is this church named after the pastor?? Really?!?

submitted by frequent contributor Rev. Wes. Kenney
What kind of battles to Godly alliances produce?

"New teaching service: You drive me crazy"
submitted by frequent contributor Christine
New learning service: You didn't have all that far to go.

"Time you enjoy wasting is not wasting time"
submitted/asst. reviewed by frequent contributor Jamie E.
Especially when you're wasted.

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Alltop Humor





  1. "Clinton" and "Clinton"
    Hummm, are they related?

    Is the teaching service sign evidence that some churches are attempting non-sequitor advertising? It would certainly explain the "Joe is word connected" sign in the last post.

  2. Here's a good discussion of people who are a part of the denomination associated with the "Obama Osama" sign:


  3. The Ironic CatholicApril 22, 2008 at 7:03 AM

    -deep breath-

    OK, I feel better after that primal scream. A little bit.

    (Man, one more thing. I can't believe that first church is Methodist. Methodists are my favorite Protestants! How could they! I feel betrayed....)

  4. The Ironic CatholicApril 22, 2008 at 7:04 AM

    Oh wait. The church saign says Church of God even thought the icon looks like the UMC. Never mind. I'm no longer betrayed, just outraged.

  5. The Smear Machine is an amazing thing

    Obama is a Muslim!
    No, he is some sort of racist Christian cultist!
    Actually, he's Marxist!


  6. I knew that church was in South Carolina before I even realized what church it was and what website it was originally posted on.

    I think that all of you who aren't from South Carolina should check out this video I found that explains a little better about who lives there. (I lived the first 22 years of my life there, so I have the right to say this).

    Of course, from my knowledge, every state/place has its bad apples. It just seems like South Carolina tries to pass horse turds as apples sometimes.

  7. Ohh, stuff like this just kills me. So following that logic, two people named Dick and Rick must be brothers as well? Ron and Lon? Bill and Will? I mean, if changing one letter makes you related...

    In other news, my mother told me that Barack Obama was a Muslim. Because she got an email. That said he was. *sigh*

  8. Ref that first sign: what do you expect from a church whose pictured cross looks like it has a red devil's tail coming out of it??

    "Church" and "besmirch" rhyme, too. Think it means anything?

  9. It's gotten worse!!! The "Obama Osama" church has changed their sign to currently read the good old "Where Will You Spend Eternity? Smoking or No Smoking."

    The Pastor of this church is clearly a dumba**.

  10. I strongly dislike Obama (as well as Bush) but attempts to link them to Osama because of a name (or, in the case of Bush, a Nostradamus prophecy about a myserious evil man named "Mabus" that is..."osaMABUSh") are out of line.

  11. At least the sign gets one thing right. Humming does a good job of blocking it out.

    (I find it rather amusing that my CAPTCHA was OMFGAHHW.)

  12. I think that it is interesting that everyone who commented here has assumed that the Obama/Osama sign was intended to be a political statement. It was more likely a religious statement.

    Here is a spin that no one seems to have considered: We are all brothers. Our national leaders (Obama) and our national enemies (Osama) are members of the family of mankind. Those we like and those we hate are all human beings who are loved by God. In that sense, Obama and Osama are brothers even though they are a contrast to one another.

    I am sure that the sign was designed to grab attention. It was also ill-advised. However, it is likely that the intended message was NOT anti-Obama.

    If it were a political statement or slur against Obama, that would constitute a situation that would cause them to lose their tax-exempt status. It would also probably alienate half of their own membership. No church (I hope) would be THAT stupid.

    I am guessing that the church should be chided for stupidity, not political favoritism.
