Friday, April 25, 2008

So they work all the time?

submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor BRWombat
But their health and dental plans are pretty decent, so it all balances out.

Joel's note: By the way, that Bible verse has nothing to do with holidays at all.


submitted by frequent contributor BRWombat
Or maybe you just have the wrong emotion.

Or if you're reading this sign, maybe you just have the wrong church.

"Loyalty is one thing leaders canno't do without."
submitted by frequent contributor Barbara B.
A sign that truly inspires confidence in the leadership.

Sometimes I canno't believe these signs....

"To walk on water, you must first get out of the boat."
submitted by frequent contributor Aubree R.
Depends which boat.

This post cross-posted on:

Alltop Humor





  1. "To walk on water, you must first get out of the boat."

    It also helps if you wait until the lake freezes over.

  2. What about Darwin Day?

    To walk on water, you must first... be Jesus. (Or maybe St. Peter, in a pinch.)

  3. At least the first sign spelled "atheists" correctly. Remember, people, "a-", meaning not, "the[o]", meaning god, and "-ists"! Or, if it's easier to remember, "at", and then "heists". Picture some atheists at a heist, stealing from a Bible bookstore or something. (Of course, then you need to know how to spell "heists". But still. . . )

    [/end spelling rant]

    And besides, I thought some Christians insisted that the atheist holiday is April Fools Day, since "The fool says in his heart, 'There is no God.'" =P Some Christians these days. . . D=

  4. They may not have any holidays, but they have great Sundays.


  5. An extra ten points if you make that noise out loud...

    (hint: the end is a raspberry)

  6. Did anyone catch that the Lakewood Baptist sign is promoting modalism, the heresy that says God is only one person, not three: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

  7. As an atheist, I am getting pretty damn tired of working all the time without taking any holidays. Why couldn't I have been born a Christian?? Woe is me.

  8. Hey Joel! Congrats on the caption contest!!

  9. thanks for going first on my "link Love" post. God is a big fan of that. I don't know that for certain but it feels right

  10. Funny, the Institute for Humanist Studies is promoting them. See here:

    I think its funny in the article that the pollsters are "Pew Survey".

    Oh, and holiday comes from Holy Day.

  11. Fellow Christians, this is a disgrace how you are talking about other Christians work. Jeering and mocking what they are trying to do is not the way Jesus would have acted at all. Please reconsider the way you talk about fellow Christians work and encourage and build up other your brothers and sisters rather than the opposite. It is disheartening not just for those you are making fun of but for any Christian that sees their brothers and sisters (you guys) acting in such a way.
