Thursday, April 24, 2008

So are church signs messages:

submitted by new contributor D.J. W. and Brandt D.
They're both a lot better with grape jelly, too.

submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor The Poke Show
Today's sermon brought to you by Gatorade:
Christ: Is He in you?!?

"God's Transfer of Authority
Dr. Nasir Siddiki
May 2-4"

submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Jennifer B.
Nice of God to let us know about that.

(Jennifer also passes along this website related to the event. Heck, now that I know an eagle is involved, I'm there!)

"God made you. God claimed you. You are special."
submitted by frequent contributor Jamie D.
Rev. Stuart Smalley, preacher.

Don't forget to vote, vote, vote!!


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Alltop Humor





  1. Calvay Apostolic Church: Home of the 20-second homily!

    "Christ: Is He In You?" I can easily imagine a gatorade parody Christian t-shirt with that slogan.

    That last one is reminiscent of the VeggieTales slogan: "God made you special and he loves you very much!"

  2. My first year in campus ministry, we designed a shirt with the Gatorade logo: "Jesus" in the lightning bolt, and "Is HE in you?" on the back. We decided that girls walking around campus with that on their backs would not send a good message to some college guys...

  3. The Ironic CatholicApril 24, 2008 at 11:13 AM

    That first sign--I think the church secretary wanted to give the pastor a gentle public hint on the sermon lengths.

  4. Well, after the Eutychus incident, it really doesn't need to be said, does it?

  5. I'm late to the party but I really need to express my loathing for churches that equate "Christian" with "American." God loves Canadians too, eh?
